Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第六课 精彩三国

    • cǎo chuán jiè jiànTo Borrow Arrows with Thatched boats

    • zhōu yúZhou Yu or Chou Yü (175-210), famous general of the southern Wu kingdom and victor of the battle of Redcliff; in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, absolutely no match for Zhuge Liang

    • lǔ sùLu Su or Lu Zijing 鲁子敬 (172-217), statesman, diplomat and strategist of Eastern Wu 东吴

    • zhū gětwo-character surname Zhuge

    • zhū gě liàngZhuge Liang (181-234), military leader and prime minister of Shu Han 蜀汉 during the Three Kingdoms period; the main hero of the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms 三国演义, where he is portrayed as a sage and military genius; mastermind

    • gōng dǎto attack (the enemy)
  • 将军 决定 夜里 攻打 敌人 。
    Jiāngjūn juédìng yèli gōngdǎ dírén.
    The general decided to attack the enemy at night.

    • biǎo miànsurface; face; outside; appearance
  • 海洋 几乎 占 地球 表面 的 四 分之 三 。
    hǎi yáng jī hū zhàn dì qiú biǎo miàn de sì fēn zhī sān。
    The sea covers nearly three-fourths of the world's surface.

    • wéi nánto feel embarrassed or awkward; to make things difficult (for someone); to find things difficult (to do or manage)
  • 我 感到 很 为难 。
    Wǒ gǎndào hěn wéinán.
    I'm feeling between a rock and a hard place.

    • jiāo zhànto fight; to wage war

    • shuǐ shàngon water; aquatic

    • zú zhì duō móuresourceful; full of stratagems

    • gōng jiànbow and arrow

    • tóng yìto agree; to consent; to approve
  • 我 不 同意 你 的 看法 。
    wǒ bù tóngyì nǐ de kànfǎ.
    I disagree with your views.

    • bù móu ér héto agree without prior consultation; to happen to hold the same view

    • jūn zhōngIn the army

    • méi wèn tíno problem

    • shǒu zhǐfinger
  • 弹钢琴 需要 我们 有 灵活 的 手指 , 所以 平时 我们 要 多 练习 。
    Dàn gāngqín xūyào wǒmen yǒu línghuó de shǒuzhǐ, suǒyǐ píngshí wǒmen yào duō liànxí.
    Playing the piano requires us to have flexible fingers, so we usually have to practice more.

    • àn xǐhidden smile; smirk; to rejoice covertly; secret satisfaction concerning one's evil plans

    • xì yánjoking matter; to go back on one's words

    • kāi wán xiàoto play a joke; to make fun of; to joke

    • wán xiàoto joke; joke; jest
  • 我 只是 开玩笑 。
    Wǒ zhǐshì kāi wánxiào.
    I was only joking.

    • gān yuànwillingly
  • 他 甘愿 做 义工 。
    Tā gānyuàn zuò yìgōng.
    He's willing to be a volunteer worker.

    • shòu fábe punished

    • yī yán wéi dìngone word and it's settled (idiom); It's a deal!; That's settled then.
  • 既然 大家 都 同意 , 那 我们 就 一言为定 。
    Jìrán dàjiā dōu tóngyì, nà wǒmen jiù yī yán wéi dìng.
    Now that everyone agrees, let's take a word.

    • jué bùin no way; not in the least; absolutely not

    • tuō yánto adjourn; to delay; to defer; adjournment; procrastination


    • tuì chǎngto leave a place where some event is taking place; (of an actor) to exit; (sports) to leave the field; (of an audience) to leave

    • fēn fùto tell; to instruct; to command
  • 您 如果 需要 帮助 , 我 随时 听候 您 的 吩咐 。
    Nín rúguǒ xūyào bāngzhù, wǒ suíshí tīnghòu nín de fēnfù.
    If you need help, I am always waiting for your instructions.

    • jiàngcraftsman; artisan
  • 木匠 店 的 地板 上 满 是 刨花 。
    mù jiàng diàn de dì bǎn shàng mǎn shì bào huā.
    The floor of the carpenter's shop was covered with shavings.

    • force; compel
  • 不能 逼 孩子 学习 。
    Bù néng bī háizi xuéxí.
    Children shouldn't be forced to study.

    • dào shí hòuwhen the moment comes; at that time

    • dìng zuìto convict (sb of a crime)

    • zhē gàito hide; to cover (one's tracks)

    • dào cǎorice straw

    • dào cǎo rénscarecrow

    • rèn héany; whatever; whichever; whatsoever
  • 他 不愿 做出 任何 承诺 。
    tā bù yuàn zuò chū rèn hé chéng nuò。
    He would not commit himself in any way.

    • rèn hé rénanyone

    • dòng jìngsound of activity or people talking; news of activity
  • 有人 在 灌木丛 里 窥视 动静 。
    yǒu rén zài guàn mù cóng lǐ kuī shì dòng jìng.
    Somebody'slurking in the bushes.

    • àn bīng bù dòngto hold back one's troops without moving (idiom); to bide one's time

    • cuīto urge; to expedite
  • 妈妈 催 我 起床 。
    Māma cuī wǒ qǐchuáng.
    Mom was pestering me to get up.

    • dà wùthick fog

    • shéng zicord; string; rope
  • 他 用力 地 抓住 绳子 。
    Tā yònglì de zhuāzhù shéngzi.
    He grasps the rope tightly.

    • duì ànopposite bank (of a body of water)

    • kào jìnnear; to approach
  • 我 认识 那个 坐 得 最 靠近 门 的 男孩 。
    wǒ rènshi nà ge zuò děi zuì kàojìn mén de nánhái .
    I know the boy who is sitting closest to the door.

    • jiāng biānriver bank

    • chéng xiàngthe most senior minister of many kingdoms or dynasties (with varying roles); prime minister

    • mái fúto ambush; to lie in wait for; to lie low; ambush
  • 现在 场景 转 到 仓库 , 行凶 者 正 埋伏 在 那里 伺机 行动 。
    xiàn zài chǎng jǐng zhuàn dào cāng kù, xìng xiōng zhě zhèng mái fú zài nà li sì jī xíng dòng。
    And now the scene shifts to the warehouse, where the murderer is lying in wait.

    • zūn mìngto follow your orders; to do as you bid

    • huǒ mào sān zhàngto get really angry
  • 他 的 评论 把 她 气 得 火冒三丈 。
    tā de píng lùn bǎ tā qì de huǒ mào sān zhàng。
    She was seething with rage at his remarks.

    • shàng dàngtaken in (by sb's deceit); to be fooled; to be duped
  • 直到 那时 , 他 才 意识 到 他 已经 上当 受骗 。
    zhídào nà shí , tā cái yìshì dào tā yǐjīng shàngdàng shòu piàn .
    Only then did he realize he had been deceived.

    • jù zhōngend of play