Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第六课 精彩三国

    • qī bù chéng shīSeven steps into poetry

    • cáo zhíCao Zhi (192-232), son of Cao Cao 曹操, noted poet and calligrapher

    • peace; harmony; and
    • to join
    • huómix, blend
    • huòmix, blend, time (counting word)
    • win in gambling
  • 他 和 我 同 岁 。
    tā hé wǒ tóng suì .
    He and I are the same age.
  • 和谐暖和共和共和国和平和尚柔和沙和尚温和新加坡共和国

    • cáo pīCao Pi (187-226), second son of Cao Cao 曹操, king then emperor of Cao Wei 曹魏 from 220, ruled as Emperor Wen 魏文帝, also a noted calligrapher

    • cáo cāoCao Cao (155-220), famous statesman and general at the end of Han, noted poet and calligrapher, later warlord, founder and first king of Cao Wei 曹魏, father of Emperor Cao Pi 曹丕; the main villain of novel the Romance of Three Kingdoms 三国演义

    • ér zison
  • 儿子 很 爱 运动 , 爸爸 答应 了 送 他 一个 足球 。
    Érzi hěn ài yùndòng, bàba dāyìngle sòng tā yīgè zúqiú.
    The son loves sports and Dad promised to send him a football.

    • dì diyounger brother
  • 我 有 一 个 弟弟 。
    Wǒ yǒu yī gè dìdi.
    I have a younger brother.

    • cōng mingacute (of sight and hearing); clever; intelligent; bright; smart
  • 这 孩子 很 聪明 。
    Zhè háizi hěn cōngmíng.
    This child is smart.

    • guò rénto excel; to surpass others; outstanding
  • 有 不少 人 从小 天资过人 , 但 长大 后 不 努力 , 最终 仍然 一事无成 。
    Yǒu bù shǎo rén cóngxiǎo tiānzīguò rén, dàn zhǎng dà hòu bù nǔlì, zuìzhōng réngrán yīshìwúchéng.
    Many people are talented from a young age, but when they grow up, they don't work hard, and they still do nothing.

    • měi féngevery time; on each occasion; whenever
  • 每逢 下雨 屋顶 就 漏 雨 。
    měi féng xià yǔ wū dǐng jiù lòu yǔ.
    The roof leaks whenever it rains.

    • kè rénvisitor; guest; customer; client
  • 在 客人 来 之前 , 他 烧 了 热水 , 准备 为 他们 泡茶 。
    Zài kèrén lái zhīqián, tā shāole rè shuǐ, zhǔnbèi wèi tāmen pào chá.
    Before the guests came, he burned hot water and prepared to make tea for them.

    • dào láito arrive; arrival; advent

    • kuā jiǎngto praise; to applaud; to compliment
  • 老师 夸奖 他 学习 进步 了 。
    Lǎoshī kuājiǎng tā xuéxí jìnbù le.
    The teacher praised him for his improved studies.

    • jǐ jùa few words, a few sentences

    • hěnvery; quite; highly
  • 花 很 香 。
    Huā hěn xiāng.
    The flowers are fragrant.
  • 很多很快很远很少很久很大很苦很厚很有很多年很熟很脏很着急很胖很瘦很重很棒很忙很贵很旧很久以前很穷很美很久很久变化很大

    • téng àito love dearly

    • zhǎng dàto grow up
  • 树苗 长大 了 。
    Shùmiáo zhǎngdà le.
    The tree seedling has grown.

    • yǐ hòuafter; later; afterwards; following; later on; in the future
  • 步行 了 四 个 小时 以后 , 我们 开始 累 了 。
    bù xíng le sì gè xiǎo shí yǐ hòu, wǒ men kāi shǐ lèi le。
    After walking for four hours we were beginning to flag.

    • zuò shìto work; to handle matters; to have a job
  • 他 做事 很 慢 。
    Tā zuò shì hěn màn.
    He does things slowly.

    • dà shìmajor event; major political event (war or change of regime); major social event (wedding or funeral); (do sth) in a big way

    • hold, handle
    • a handle
  • 请 把门 打开 。
    qǐng bǎ mén dǎ kāi。
    Open the door, please.
  • 一把伞把手扫把拖把加把劲一把三把共用一把伞

    • wáng wèititle of king; kingship
  • 他 登上 王位 时 才 八 岁 。
    tā dēng shàng wáng wèi shí cái bā suì。
    He was only eight when he ascended the throne.

    • chuán geito pass on (to sb); to send; to pass (e.g. in football); to give directly (by hand); to deliver; to hand over; to transfer; to relay; to transmit; to hand on (to the next generation)

    • dànonly; but
  • 这 管子 柔软 但 很 坚固 。
    zhè guǎn zi róu ruǎn dàn hěn jiān gù。
    This tube is flexible but tough.
  • 但是不但

    • dà chénchancellor (of a monarchy); cabinet minister
  • 财政 大臣 发表 了 今年 的 预算 报告 。
    Cáizhèng dàchén fābiǎo le jīnnián de yùsuàn bàogào.
    The financial minister has put out this year's budget report.

    • jí lìto make a supreme effort; at all costs

    • fǎn duìto fight against; to oppose; to be opposed to; opposition
  • 我们 反对 战争 。
    Wǒmen fǎnduì zhànzhēng.
    We are against war.

    • tā menthey
  • 老师 给 他们 安排 好 了 座位 。
    Lǎoshī gěi tāmen ānpái hǎole zuòwèi.
    The teacher arranged the seats for them.

    • rèn wéito believe; to think; to consider; to feel
  • 我 认为 我 考 得 不错 。
    wǒ rèn wéi wǒ kǎo de bù cuò.
    I think I did OK in the exam.

    • gē geolder brother
  • 他 是 我 的 哥哥 。
    Tā shì wǒ de gēge.
    He's my older brother.

    • jīng míngastute; shrewd

    • jīng míng néng gànable and efficient

    • néng gàncapable; competent
  • 我 看 你 的 新 助手 不错 — — 她 看样子 很 能干 。
    wǒ kàn nǐ de xīn zhù shǒu bù cuò-- tā kàn yàng zi hěn néng gàn。
    I like the look of your new assistant she should do very well.

    • jǐn shèncautious; prudent
  • 他 要 我们 谨慎 行事 。
    tā yào wǒ men jǐn shèn xìng shì。
    He told us to proceed with caution.

    • zhì lǐto govern; to administer; to manage; to control; governance

    • guó jiācountry; nation; state
  • 这 是 哪个 国家 的 货币 ?
    Zhè shì nǎ gè guójiā de huòbì?
    Which country's currency is this?

    • rén cáitalent; talented person; looks; attractive looks
  • 他们 最 需要 的 是 管理 人才 。
    tā men zuì xū yào de shì guǎn lǐ rén cái。
    What they need most is managerial talent.

    • yīng gāiought to; should; must
  • 你 应该 回家 休息 。
    Nǐ yīnggāi huí jiā xiūxi.
    You should go home and take a rest.

    • yī xiàngalways (previously); a period of time in the recent past
  • 圣诞节 期间 生意 一向 很好 。
    Shèng dàn jié qī jiān shēng yi yí xiàng hěn hǎo.
    Trade is always good (ie Many goods are sold) over the Christmas period.

    • dù jìjealous; jealousy
  • 他 虽然 表面 上 很 有 礼貌 地 同 他 同事 打招呼 , 但 心里 却 充满 了 妒忌 。
    tā suī rán biǎo miàn shàng hěn yǒu lǐ mào de tóng tā tóng shì dǎ zhāo hu, dàn xīn lǐ què chōng mǎn le dù jì。
    He greeted his companion politely enough, but inside he was smouldering with jealousy.


    • huái hènto nurse hatred; to harbor a grudge; spiteful


    • huái hèn zài xīnto harbor hard feelings

    • qiān fāng bǎi jìlit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means

    • chú diàoto eliminate

    • yī huíone time; some time; a chapter; a thing

    • dài lǐngto guide; to lead
  • 向导 带领 我们 参观 灯塔 。
    Xiàngdǎo dàilǐng wǒmen cānguān dēngtǎ.
    The guide led us on a tour of the lighthouse.

      • jūn duìarmy; troops
    • 他 是 军队 的 高级 将领 。
      Tā shì jūnduì de gāojí jiànglǐng.
      He's a high-ranking general in the army.

      • go; remove; past
    • 我 去 上学 。
      Wǒ qù shàngxué.
      I am going to class.
    • 飞奔而去飞过去去不去瘦下去去一趟挖下去跳下去爬上去先去掉下去赶去飞来飞去有去无回快去过去卖不出去跌下去去世踏上去放出去出去推出去放进去带去回不去冲进去回去冲去坚持下去拿去减去飞去进去游来游去看上去游去去年出去玩去皮带我去去取带你去上去贴上去失去跳来跳去死去跑出去下去钻进去走去落下去春去秋来去逛远去坐上去去过投去滚来滚去爬来爬去说来说去走来走去抢过去想去追上去继续下去伸进去会去划去

      • zuò zhàncombat; to fight

      • dé dàoto get; to obtain; to receive

      • xiāo xinews; information
    • 一定 要 拿 到 准确 消息 , 才 出发 , 不然 你们 可能 会 互相 错过 。
      Yīdìng yào ná dào zhǔnquè xiāoxī, cái chūfā, bùrán nǐmen kěnéng huì hùxiāng cuòguò.
      Be sure to get accurate information before you leave, otherwise you may miss each other.

      • jiùmove towards; right away; nearby; and then
    • 我 马上 就 来 。
      wǒ mǎ shàng jiù lái。
      I'll be right with you.
    • 就是就算成就就是说就要早就就行了

        • bàn fǎmeans; method; way (of doing sth)
      • 我 总得 想 个 办法 完成 任务 。
        wǒ zǒng děi xiǎng gè bàn fǎ wán chéng rèn wu。
        I must fulfil my task by some means or other.

        • zǔ lánto stop; to obstruct
      • 让 她 走 , 别 阻拦 她 。
        ràng tā zǒu, biè zǔ lán tā。
        Let her go. Don't stop her.

          • quān tàotrap; snare; trick

          • pài rénsend someone

          • gēnheel; follow; accompany; with
        • 请 跟 我 来 。
          Qǐng gēn wǒ lái.
          Please come with me.
        • 跟着翻跟头高跟鞋跟头紧跟跟斗

          • yī qǐin the same place; together; with; altogether (in total)
        • 大家 聚集 在 一起 。
          Dàjiā jùjí zài yīqǐ.
          Everyone gathered together.

          • hē jiǔto drink (alcohol)

          • rànggivea way; let; allow; elect; blame
        • 让 我 试 试 。
          ràng wǒ shìshi .
          Let me try.
        • 让座礼让不让

          • mìng lìngorder; command
        • 请 不要 用 命令 的 语气 和 我 说话 。
          Qǐng bùyào yòng mìnglìng de yǔqì hé wǒ shuōhuà.
          Please don't talk to me in the tone of the order.

          • shǒu xiàleadership; under one's control or administration; subordinates; to take action; to run out of money
        • 那位 将军 命令 手下 在 山脚下 扎营 休息 。
          Nà wèi jiāngjūn mìnglìng shǒuxià zài shān jiǎoxià zháyíng xiūxí.
          The general ordered his men to camp at the foot of the mountain to rest.

          • liánlink; join; even; a company in army
        • 铁路 把 城市 连 起来 。
          Tiělù bǎ chéngshì liánqǐlái.
          Railroads connect cities.
        • 连忙一连串连环画接二连三连串连环连接连连连声连续连续剧连衣裙一连连成一片连在一起连接起来连成连衣一连几天

          • cuīto urge; to expedite
        • 妈妈 催 我 起床 。
          Māma cuī wǒ qǐchuáng.
          Mom was pestering me to get up.

          • jǐ cìseveral times
        • 他 跳高 时 试 跳 了 几次 才 跳 过去 。
          tā tiào gāo shí shì tiào le jǐ cì cái tiào guò qu.
          He had several goes at the high jump before he succeeded in clearing it.

          • dōu méinone; not yet

          • méi yǒuhaven't; hasn't; doesn't exist; to not have; to not be
        • 街上 没有 人 。
          Jiēshang méiyǒu rén.
          There's nobody in the street.

          • zhǐ hǎowithout any better option; to have to; to be forced to
        • 没有 车 , 他 只好 走路 。
          Méiyǒu chē, tā zhǐhǎo zǒulù.
          Without a car, he can only walk.

          • gǎito change; to correct
        • 我 临时 改变 了 主意 。
          Wǒ línshí gǎibiàn le zhǔyi.
          I suddenly changed my mind.
        • 改过自新改编改变改成改掉改过改期改善改造改编自改好

          • bié renother people; others; other person
        • 这 是 个 秘密 , 不要 告诉 别人 。
          Zhè shì ge mìmì, bù yào gàosu biérén. (also renhe ren)
          This is a secret. Don't tell anyone.

          • lèi sìsimilar; analogous
        • 我 也 听 过 一 个 类似 的 故事 。
          wǒ yě tīng guò yī gè lèisì de gùshi .
          I also heard a similar story.

          • shì qingaffair; matter; thing; business
        • 这 件 事情 很 奇怪 。
          Zhè jiàn shìqing hěn qíguài.
          This matter is very strange.

          • duōmany; much; more; multiple; surplus
        • 我 有 许多 唱片 。
          wǒ yǒu xǔ duō chàng piàn。
          I have many discs.
        • 最多多长时间太多更多很多年许多次越多很多多长许多多出越来越多三百多差不多十多大多多彩的多彩多喝水多次十多年多达许多许多多多好多遍多久一万多多亏一万多斤多么六百多多媒体六百多年多少知多少多糖九十多多谢九十多岁多余三千多三千多年多元一千多多云一千多年多种真多多重好多维多利亚多少钱多年

          • zuì zhōngfinal; ultimate
        • 我们 最终 达成 了 协议 。
          wǒ men zuì zhōng dá chéng le xié yì。
          Finally we reached an agreement.

          • dǎ xiāoto dispel (doubts, misgivings etc); to give up on

          • niàn touthought; idea; intention

          • jì chéngto inherit; to carry on; to succeed

          • zhì zuìto punish sb (for a crime)

          • mǔ qīnmother; also pr. [mu3 qin5]
        • 我 爱 我 的 母亲 。
          Wǒ ài wǒ de mǔqin.
          I love my mother.

          • zhī dàoto know; to become aware of; also pr. [zhi1 dao5]
        • 我 不 知道 该 怎么办 。
          wǒ bù zhī dào gāi zěn me bàn。
          I have no idea what to do.

          • zhī dào leOK!; Got it!

          • bù duànunceasing; uninterrupted; continuous; constant
        • 人口 在 不断 增长 中 。
          rén kǒu zài bù duàn zēng zhǎng zhòng。
          There was a steady increase in population.

          • on behalf of; replace; take the place of
        • 四季 循环 交替 。
          sì jì xún huán jiāo tì。
          The seasons follow each other in rotation.
        • 代替交替

          • qiú qíngto plea for leniency; to ask for a favor

          • xìng miǎnnarrowly and luckily escape

            • yī tiānone day
          • 明天 是 儿童节 , 爸爸妈妈 特意 请 了 一天 的 假 , 陪 他 去 游乐园 玩 。
            Míngtiān shì értóng jié, bàba māmā tèyì qǐngle yītiān de jiǎ, péi tā qù yóu lèyuán wán.
            Tomorrow is Children's Day. Mom and Dad specially took a day off and accompanied him to the amusement park.

            • hē zuìto get drunk

            • dà màto rain curses (on sb); to let sb have it; to bawl sb out

            • guān yuánofficial (in an organization or government); administrator
          • 他 父亲 是 一位 海关 官员 。
            tā fù qīn shì yī wèi hǎi guān guān yuán。
            His father is a customs officer.

            • tīng shuōto hear (sth said); one hears (that); hearsay; listening and speaking
          • 听说 他 被车撞 了 , 朋友 们 都 赶来 看望 他 。
            Tīng shuō tā bèi chē zhuàngle, péngyǒumen dōu gǎn lái kànwàng tā.
            I heard that he was hit by a car, and friends came to visit him.

            • zhǎo láifind and come back

            • you; your; one person
          • 你好 !
            Nǐ hǎo!
          • 舍不得你你们你追我跑迷你你好你家我爱你祝你幸福带你去祝你们谢谢你们考考你祝你快乐爱护你

            • wŏ demy; mine

            • fàn zuìto commit a crime; crime; offense

            • sǐ zuìmortal crime; capital offence
          • 你 犯 下 的 可是 死罪 呀 !
            Nǐ fàn xià de kěshì sǐzuì ya!
            You have committed a capital crime!

            • xiōng dìbrothers; younger brother; I, me (humble term used by men in public speech); brotherly; fraternal
          • 我 总 分不清 他 和 他 的 孪生 兄弟 。
            wǒ zǒng fèn bù qīng tā huò tā de luán shēng xiōng dì。
            I always confounded him with his twin brother.

            • qíng fènmutual affection; friendship

            • shàngup; above; previous; superior; go to
          • 晚上 好 。
            wǎnshang hǎo .
            Good evening.
          • 一上一下迷上上方上气不接下气餐桌上爬上山坡热锅上的蚂蚁上联上前往上实际上上上下下上去换上晚上一路上上万坐上上网河面上上班右上角上午楼上楼下岸上桌上上下贴上去比不上走上上学回家路上成千上万左上角上瘾传上来穿上配上上游坐上去当上门上上周补上登上升上身上江上地上带上世上送货上门关上岛上水上关上门海上树上踏上老师上课合上操场上台上课本上加上草地上头上追上去街上马路上献上看上今天上午向上看上去书上右上路上书架上早上山上河上救上来上课追上上岸每天晚上升上来天上左上上边上学时传上马上背上上场桌面上全身上下上面场上上车镇上枪口上上台车上上床往上拉抬上班上船上上次闭上眼睛天天向上上来肩上上当床上爬上去楼上脸上上个冰上在世界上上楼碰上上个星期脚上台子上爬上爬下墙上上个月上课时踏上去上衣上等货上门上下颠倒

            • yī gèone

            • jī huìopportunity; chance; occasion
          • 这 是 一 个 练习 英语 的 好 机会 。
            Zhè shì yī gè liànxí Yīngyǔ de hǎo jīhuì.
            This is a good opportunity to practice English.

            • yào shiif
          • 要是 我 再 有 一次 机会 就 好 了 。
            yào shì wǒ zài yǒu yī cì jī huì jiù hào le。
            If only I had another chance.

            • zhī nèiinside; within

            • zuò chūto put out; to come up with; to make (a choice, decision, proposal, response, comment etc); to issue (a permit, statement, explanation, apology, reassurance to the public etc); to draw (conclusion); to deliver (speech, judgment); to devise (explanation); to extract

            • yī shǒuone (song, etc)

            • gǎn dàoto feel; to sense; to have the feeling that; to think that; to move; to affect
          • 你 感到 紧张 吗 ?
            Nǐ gǎndào jǐnzhāng ma?
            Do you feel nervous?

            • tòng xīngrieved; pained

            • zì jǐoneself; one's own
          • 请 介绍 你 自己 。
            Qǐng jièshào nǐ zìjǐ. (also qing ziwo jieshao yixia)
            Please introduce yourself.

            • jìng ránunexpectedly; to one's surprise; in spite of everything; in that crazy way; actually; to go as far as to
          • 这么 好 的 书 竟然 只 卖 五块 钱 。
            Zhème hǎo de shū jìngrán zhǐ mài wǔ kuài qián.
            Surprisingly, such a good book only sells for 5 yuan.

            • zhè yàngthis kind of; so; this way; like this; such
          • 大热天 从 室外 回家 , 不要 马上 用 冷水 冲凉 , 这样 容易 中暑 。
            Dà rètiān cóng shìwài huí jiā, bùyào mǎshàng yòng lěngshuǐ chōngliáng, zhèyàng róngyì zhòngshǔ.
            Go home from a hot day, don't wash it with cold water right away, it is easy to heat stroke.

            • hěn xīncallous; heartless
          • 狠心 的 女巫 对 孤 苦 无助 的 小 女孩 施 发 妖术 。
            hěn xīn de nu:3 wū duì gū kǔ wú zhù de xiǎo nu:3 hái shī fà yāo zhú。
            The heartless witch cast a spell on the poor little girl.

            • force; compel
          • 不能 逼 孩子 学习 。
            Bù néng bī háizi xuéxí.
            Children shouldn't be forced to study.

            • dī tóuto bow the head; to yield; to give in

            • zǒuwalk; go; travel; leave
          • 走 , 去 逛街 。
            Zǒu, qù guàng jiē.
            Let's go shopping.
          • 走来走到抢走了走下走累走回飘走逃走扛走走路边走边吃走廊边走边想搬走临走前带走吸走行走临走溜走慢走拿走抢走太空行走走出走错走过走进走去走向偷走走遍走上走走往前走向前走走来走去

            • yínchant; recite; sing; hum
          • 她 痛苦 地 呻吟 。
            tā tòng kǔ de shēn yín.
            She groaned with pain.
          • 游子吟

            • zhǔboil; cook with water
          • 她 特别 喜欢 吃 水 煮 肉片 。
            Tā tèbié xǐhuan chī shuǐzhǔ ròupiàn.
            She especially likes to eat Sichuan poached pork.
          • 煮饭锅里煮煮出

            • ránburn; ignite
          • 煤 是 一种 燃料 。
            Méi shì yī zhǒng ránliào.
            Coal is a type of fuel.
          • 燃放点燃

            • dòu qíbeanstalk

            • kettle

            • zhōngcenter; in; middle; fit
            • zhònghit the target; be hit by
          • 我 要 吃 中餐 。
            Wǒ yào chī Zhōngcān.
            I will eat Chinese food.
          • 中国中级中计中间中秋中秋节中午中心小贩中心熟食中心宫中军中手中水中林中滨海艺术中心中级班脑海中园中其中之中当中购物中心华中家中空中无意中心中胸中选中中北部

            • cry, sob, weep
          • 她 在 抽泣 。
            Tā zài chōuqì.
            She's convulsed with sobs.

            • běnstem; origin; this (my); current; capital
          • 把 这 本 书 给 她 。
            bǎ zhè běn shū jǐ tā。
            Give her the book.
          • 原本一本那本书本周基本知识课本上本课几十本书本课本本领本子本地本来本身根本基本记事本练习本日本日本海

            • tóng gēnSame root

            • shēnggrow; give birth to; live; life; not ripe; unfamiliar; student
          • 她 生病 了 。
            Tā shēngbìng le.
            She is sick.
          • 生日礼物出生生命危险出生日期家庭医生陌生人吴先生男生生日会女生许先生生菜生熟生活卫生用品生命招生人数生命力半生熟生怕生日卡生日快乐生态生下生鱼片死里逃生逃生卫生先生医生学生生病眼科医生生日野生花生野生动物发生一生生长招生生气值日生产生生日歌生存半生熟蛋陌生生态园小学生个人卫生半生过生日侍应生毕业生

            • xiàngan appearance; to observe
            • xiāngeach other; mutually
          • 他们 互相 争吵 。
            tā men hù xiāng zhēng chǎo。
            They quarreled among themselves.
          • 相反相片相亲相亲相爱相同互相帮助互相配合互相学习互相合作不敢相信互相照顾曹丞相相信互相互相鼓励丞相相爱相比相册相处相传相当相当于

            • jiānfry
          • 妈妈 用 煎锅 做菜 。
            Māma yòng jiānguō zuòcài.
            My mom is cooking with a frying pan.
          • 印度煎饼煎饼煎蛋

            • prefix (when?, where?, why?, how?, what?, who?, which?)
          • 新 汽车 性能 如何 ?
            xīn qì chē xìng néng rú hé?
            How is the new car performing?
          • 任何何方几何如何何其任何人

            • tàiextremely; too much
          • 太 可惜 了 !
            tài kěxī le !
            What a pity! What a pity.
          • 太极老太太太好了太极拳太空太空船太空行走太空人太空站太平太平洋太太晒太阳太空装太重太多太小太大太棒了真是太太慢太漂亮别太遮太阳太阳

            • urgent; rapid; anxious; worry
          • 别着急 , 安心 养病 。
            biè zháo jí, ān xīn yǎng bìng。
            Just take care of yourself and don't worry.
          • 着急急忙焦急别着急急急忙忙急切急急很着急

            • xiǎng dàoto think of; to call to mind; to anticipate

            • shí fēnto divide into ten equal parts; very; hundred percent; completely; extremely; utterly; absolutely
          • 溪流 十分 清澈 。
            xī liú shí fēn qīng chè。
            The stream is very limpid.

            • cán kuìashamed
          • 他 为 他 的 行为 感到 惭愧 。
            tā wèi tā de xíng wéi gǎn dào cán kuì。
            He is ashamed of his behavior.

            • zài yě(not) any more
          • 我 累 得 再也 走不动 了 。
            wǒ lèi de zài yě zǒu bù dòng le。
            I was too tired to walk any further.

            • rěn xīnto have the heart to do sth; to steel oneself to a task
          • 他 很 心疼 妈妈 , 不 忍心 让 她 一个 人 搬家 。
            Tā hěn xīnténg māmā, bù rěnxīn ràng tā yīgè rén bānjiā.
            He is very distressed by his mother and can't bear to let her move alone.

            • shā hàito murder