Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第六课 精彩三国

    • qī bù chéng shīSeven steps into poetry

    • cáo pīCao Pi (187-226), second son of Cao Cao 曹操, king then emperor of Cao Wei 曹魏 from 220, ruled as Emperor Wen 魏文帝, also a noted calligrapher

    • guò rénto excel; to surpass others; outstanding
  • 有 不少 人 从小 天资过人 , 但 长大 后 不 努力 , 最终 仍然 一事无成 。
    Yǒu bù shǎo rén cóngxiǎo tiānzīguò rén, dàn zhǎng dà hòu bù nǔlì, zuìzhōng réngrán yīshìwúchéng.
    Many people are talented from a young age, but when they grow up, they don't work hard, and they still do nothing.

    • kuā jiǎngto praise; to applaud; to compliment
  • 老师 夸奖 他 学习 进步 了 。
    Lǎoshī kuājiǎng tā xuéxí jìnbù le.
    The teacher praised him for his improved studies.

    • téng àito love dearly

    • dà shìmajor event; major political event (war or change of regime); major social event (wedding or funeral); (do sth) in a big way

    • wáng wèititle of king; kingship
  • 他 登上 王位 时 才 八 岁 。
    tā dēng shàng wáng wèi shí cái bā suì。
    He was only eight when he ascended the throne.

    • dà chénchancellor (of a monarchy); cabinet minister
  • 财政 大臣 发表 了 今年 的 预算 报告 。
    Cáizhèng dàchén fābiǎo le jīnnián de yùsuàn bàogào.
    The financial minister has put out this year's budget report.

    • jí lìto make a supreme effort; at all costs

    • fǎn duìto fight against; to oppose; to be opposed to; opposition
  • 我们 反对 战争 。
    Wǒmen fǎnduì zhànzhēng.
    We are against war.

    • jīng míngastute; shrewd

    • jīng míng néng gànable and efficient

    • jǐn shèncautious; prudent
  • 他 要 我们 谨慎 行事 。
    tā yào wǒ men jǐn shèn xìng shì。
    He told us to proceed with caution.

    • rén cáitalent; talented person; looks; attractive looks
  • 他们 最 需要 的 是 管理 人才 。
    tā men zuì xū yào de shì guǎn lǐ rén cái。
    What they need most is managerial talent.

    • dù jìjealous; jealousy
  • 他 虽然 表面 上 很 有 礼貌 地 同 他 同事 打招呼 , 但 心里 却 充满 了 妒忌 。
    tā suī rán biǎo miàn shàng hěn yǒu lǐ mào de tóng tā tóng shì dǎ zhāo hu, dàn xīn lǐ què chōng mǎn le dù jì。
    He greeted his companion politely enough, but inside he was smouldering with jealousy.


    • huái hènto nurse hatred; to harbor a grudge; spiteful


    • huái hèn zài xīnto harbor hard feelings

    • qiān fāng bǎi jìlit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means

    • dài lǐngto guide; to lead
  • 向导 带领 我们 参观 灯塔 。
    Xiàngdǎo dàilǐng wǒmen cānguān dēngtǎ.
    The guide led us on a tour of the lighthouse.

      • jūn duìarmy; troops
    • 他 是 军队 的 高级 将领 。
      Tā shì jūnduì de gāojí jiànglǐng.
      He's a high-ranking general in the army.

      • zuò zhàncombat; to fight

      • quān tàotrap; snare; trick

      • cuīto urge; to expedite
    • 妈妈 催 我 起床 。
      Māma cuī wǒ qǐchuáng.
      Mom was pestering me to get up.

      • lèi sìsimilar; analogous
    • 我 也 听 过 一 个 类似 的 故事 。
      wǒ yě tīng guò yī gè lèisì de gùshi .
      I also heard a similar story.

      • zuì zhōngfinal; ultimate
    • 我们 最终 达成 了 协议 。
      wǒ men zuì zhōng dá chéng le xié yì。
      Finally we reached an agreement.

      • dǎ xiāoto dispel (doubts, misgivings etc); to give up on

      • niàn touthought; idea; intention

      • jì chéngto inherit; to carry on; to succeed

      • zhì zuìto punish sb (for a crime)

      • qiú qíngto plea for leniency; to ask for a favor

      • xìng miǎnnarrowly and luckily escape

      • hē zuìto get drunk

      • fàn zuìto commit a crime; crime; offense

      • sǐ zuìmortal crime; capital offence
    • 你 犯 下 的 可是 死罪 呀 !
      Nǐ fàn xià de kěshì sǐzuì ya!
      You have committed a capital crime!

      • qíng fènmutual affection; friendship

      • zuò chūto put out; to come up with; to make (a choice, decision, proposal, response, comment etc); to issue (a permit, statement, explanation, apology, reassurance to the public etc); to draw (conclusion); to deliver (speech, judgment); to devise (explanation); to extract

      • tòng xīngrieved; pained

      • hěn xīncallous; heartless
    • 狠心 的 女巫 对 孤 苦 无助 的 小 女孩 施 发 妖术 。
      hěn xīn de nu:3 wū duì gū kǔ wú zhù de xiǎo nu:3 hái shī fà yāo zhú。
      The heartless witch cast a spell on the poor little girl.

      • force; compel
    • 不能 逼 孩子 学习 。
      Bù néng bī háizi xuéxí.
      Children shouldn't be forced to study.

      • yínchant; recite; sing; hum
    • 她 痛苦 地 呻吟 。
      tā tòng kǔ de shēn yín.
      She groaned with pain.
    • 游子吟

      • dòu qíbeanstalk

      • kettle

      • cry, sob, weep
    • 她 在 抽泣 。
      Tā zài chōuqì.
      She's convulsed with sobs.

      • rěn xīnto have the heart to do sth; to steel oneself to a task
    • 他 很 心疼 妈妈 , 不 忍心 让 她 一个 人 搬家 。
      Tā hěn xīnténg māmā, bù rěnxīn ràng tā yīgè rén bānjiā.
      He is very distressed by his mother and can't bear to let her move alone.

      • shā hàito murder