Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第七课 世界走透透

    • wàn shuǐ qiān shānten thousand crags and torrents (idiom); the trials and tribulations of a long journey; a long and difficult road


    • zhù sùto stay at; lodging; accommodation
  • 留学生 的 住宿 条件 很好 。
    Liú xuésheng de zhù sù tiáojiàn hěn hǎo.
    The dorms of overseas students is very good.

    • xìn xīinformation; news; message

    • rè ménpopular; hot; in vogue

    • jiàn zhù wùbuilding; structure; edifice
  • 建筑物 在 地震 中 摇晃 。
    jiànzhùwù zài dìzhèn zhōng yáohuàng .
    The buildings shook in the earthquake.

    • wén huàculture; civilization; cultural
  • 埃及 有 很多 文化 古迹 。
    ?ijí yǒu hěn duō wénhuà gǔjì.
    There are many historical sites in Egypt.

    • fù shì shānMt. Fuji, Japan

    • huó huǒ shānactive volcano

    • huǒ shānvolcano
  • 火山爆发 , 引发 了 地震 , 很 多 楼房 都 倒 了 。
    Huǒshān bàofā, yǐnfāle dìzhèn, hěnduō lóufáng dōu dàole.
    The volcanic eruption triggered an earthquake and many buildings fell.

    • zuì gāo fēngpeak

    • yī dàiregion; district
  • 战争 结束 后 , 这 一带 的 居民 安居乐业 , 过 上 了 幸福 的 生活 。
    Zhànzhēng jiéshù hòu, zhè yīdài de jūmín ānjūlèyè,guò shàngle xìngfú de shēnghuó.
    After the war, the residents of this area lived and worked happily and lived a happy life.

    • xià jìsummer

    • huá bīngto skate; skating

    • cave, cavern


    • yìn dù ní xī yàIndonesia

    • dàn shuǐpotable water (water with low salt content); fresh water

    • dàn shuǐ húfresh water lake

    • qì hòuclimate; atmosphere; situation
  • 沙漠 的 气候 很 干燥 。
    Shāmò de qìhòu hěn gānzào.
    The climate of the desert is very dry.

    • kōng qìair; atmosphere
  • 乡下 的 空气 很好 。
    Xiāngxia de kōngqì hěn hǎo.
    The air in the countryside is very fresh.

    • qīng xīnfresh and clean
  • 早晨 清新 的 空气 使 我 感到 十分 愉快 。
    zǎo chén qīng xīn de kōng qì shǐ wǒ gǎn dào shí fēn yú kuài。
    The morning fresh air makes me feel quite frisky.

    • bì shǔto be away for the summer holidays; to spend a holiday at a summer resort; to prevent sunstroke

    • shèng dìwell-known scenic spot

    • pù bùwaterfall
  • 瀑布 很 壮观 。
    Pùbù hěn zhuàngguān.
    The waterfall is spectacular.

    • kuà yuèto step across; step over

    • jiā ná dàCanada; Canadian

    • kuà guótransnational; multinational

    • gāo chùhigh place; elevation
  • 从 高处 往 下 看 , 那些 农田 像 是 几何 图案 。
    zòng gāo chù wàng xià kàn, nà xiē nóng tián xiàng shì jǐ hé tú àn.
    Seen from above, the fields looked like a geometrical pattern.

    • qīng xièto pour down in torrents

      • zhèn ěr yù lóngear-splitting (idiom); deafening
    • 他 在 震耳欲聋 的 掌声 中 就 坐 。
      tā zài zhèn ěr yù lóng de zhǎng shēng zhòng jiù zuò.
      He sat down amid deafening applause.

      • zhuàng guānspectacular; magnificent sight

      • sān xiáThree Gorges on the Changjiang or Yangtze, namely: Qutang Gorge 瞿塘峡, Wuxia Gorge 巫峡 and Xiling Gorge 西陵峡

      • jì yǒuexisting

      • míng shānfamous mountain; Mingshan county in Ya'an 雅安, Sichuan

        • quán chángoverall length; span

        • gōng lǐkilometer
      • 我 家 离 学校 只有 一 公里 。
        Wǒ jiā lí xuéxiào zhǐ yǒu yī gōnglǐ.
        My home is only one kilometer from school.

        • liǎng ànbilateral; both shores; both sides; both coasts; Taiwan and mainland
      • 沿 河 两岸 种 着 松树 。
        yàn hé liǎng àn zhòng zhuó sōng shù。
        Pine trees were planted all along the river.

        • xióng wěigrand; imposing; magnificent; majestic

        • shān màimountain range

        • míng shènga place famous for its scenery or historical relics; scenic spot

        • míng shèng gǔ jìhistorical sites and scenic spots

        • gǔ jìplaces of historic interest; historical sites

        • yóu kètraveler; tourist
      • 导游 带领 游客 参观 博物馆 。
        dǎo yóu dài lǐng yóu kè cān guān bó wù guǎn.
        A guide conducted the visitors round the museum.

        • liú liánto loiter (i.e. reluctant to leave); to linger on

        • liú lián wàng fǎnto linger; to remain enjoying oneself and forget to go home