Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6A ‣ 第七课 世界走透透

      • shì chǎngmarketplace; market (also in abstract)
    • 被 从 市场 带回家 的 路上 , 鱼儿 在 袋子 里 死 掉 了 。
      Bèi cóng shìchǎng dài huí jiā de lùshàng, yú er zài dàizi lǐ sǐ diàole.
      On the way home from the market, the fish died in the bag.

      • fēng tǔnatural conditions and social customs of a place; local conditions

        • mín qíngcircumstances of the people; popular sentiment; the mood of the people; popular customs

        • chū guóto go abroad; to leave the country; emigration
      • 如果 你 想 出国 旅行 , 你 必须 先 申请 护照 。
        Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng chūguó lǚxíng, nǐ bìxū xiān shēnqǐng hùzhào.
        If you want to travel abroad, you must first apply for a passport.

        • dāng dìlocal
      • 他 经常 给 当地 报纸 写 文章 。
        tā jīng cháng jǐ dāng dì bào zhǐ xiě wén zhāng。
        He constantly writes articles for the local paper.

        • huò pǐngoods

        • zhǒng lèikind; genus; type; category; variety; species; sort; class
      • 家禽 的 种类 很多 。
        jiā qín de zhǒng lèi hěn duō。
        There are many kinds of fowl.

        • bǎi fàngto set up; to arrange; to lay out
      • 在 老师 进入 课堂 之前 , 一排排 座椅 早 已经 摆放 整齐 了 。
        Zài lǎoshī jìnrù kètáng zhīqián, yī pái pái zuò yǐ zǎo yǐjīng bǎi fàng zhěngqíle.
        Before the teacher entered the classroom, the rows of seats had already been placed neatly.

          • tǎo jià huán jiàto haggle over price

          • huán jiàto make a counter-offer when haggling; to bargain

          • rì běn rénJapanese person or people

          • shēn kèprofound; deep; deep-going

          • yìn xiàngimpression
        • 我 对 他 的 印象 很 深 。
          Wǒ duì tāde yìnxiàng hěn shēn.
          I have a strong impression of him.

          • tài guóThailand; Thai
        • 泰国 有 很多 庙宇 。
          Tàiguó yǒu hěn duō miàoyǔ.
          There are many temples in Thailand.

          • hé liúriver
        • 长江 是 世界 上 最 长 的 河流 之一 。
          cháng jiāng shì shì jiè shàng zuì cháng de hé liú zhī yī。
          The Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world.


            • fā zhǎndevelopment; growth; to develop; to grow; to expand
          • 科技 发展 得 很快 。
            Kējì fāzhǎnde hěn kuài.
            Science and technology advances very quickly.

            • zhǎn chūto put on display; to be on show; to exhibit
          • 这次 画展 , 展出 了 很 多 法国 的 名画 。
            Zhè cì huàzhǎn, zhǎn chūle hěnduō fàguó de mínghuà.
            This exhibition showcased many famous French paintings.

            • qīng chénearly morning
          • 清晨 , 街道 上 很少 有人 活动 。
            Qīngchén, jiēdào shàng hěn shǎo yǒurén huódòng.
            In the early morning, there were very few activities on the street.

            • tè sècharacteristic; distinguishing feature or quality
          • 泰式 房屋 很 有 特色 。
            Tàishì fángwū hěn yǒu tèsè.
            Thai houses are very distinctive.

            • zá huògroceries; miscellaneous goods

            • zhòng zhíto plant; to grow
          • 玉米 在 美洲 广泛 种植 。
            yù mǐ zài měi zhōu guǎng fàn zhòng zhí。
            Maize is widely planted in the America.

            • shàng shìto hit the market (of a new product); to float (a company on the stock market)

            • fán mángbusy; bustling
          • 远洋 航 路 总是 很 繁忙 。
            yuǎn yáng háng lù zǒng shì hěn fán máng.
            The ocean lanes are always busy.

            • xiǎng yǒuto enjoy (rights, privileges etc)

            • měi chēnglaudatory title; good name

            • miào huìtemple fair

            • nóng lìthe traditional Chinese calendar; the lunar calendar
          • 今天 是 农历 新年 。
            Jīntiān shì nónglì xīnnián.
            Today is Chinese New Year.

            • yuán xiāoLantern Festival; night of the 15th of the first lunar month
          • 元宵节 , 祖孙二人 一起 画 灯笼 、 猜 灯谜 。
            Yuánxiāo jié, zǔ sūn èr rén yīqǐ huà dēnglóng, cāi dēngmí.
            Lantern Festival, grandparents and grandchildren draw lanterns together and guess riddles.

            • yuán xiāo jiéLantern Festival, the final event of the Spring Festival 春节, on 15th of first month of the lunar calendar

            • jǔ xíngto hold (a meeting, ceremony etc)
          • 运动会 明天 举行 。
            Yùndònghuì míngtiān jǔxíng.
            The sports meeting will be held tomorrow.

            • pǐn chángto taste a small amount; to sample
          • 我 津津有味 地 品尝 了 我 妈妈 做 的 鱼 。
            wǒ jīn jīn yǒu wèi de pǐn cháng le wǒ mā ma zuò de yú。
            I tasted the fish my mother cooked with relish.

            • táng hú lusugar-coated Chinese hawthorn fruit on a stick; tanghulu

            • hú lucalabash or bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria); hoist; generic term for block and tackle (or parts thereof); muddled

            • má huāfried dough twist (crisp snack food made by deep-frying plaited dough); worn out or worn smooth (of clothes)

            • shǒu gōng yìhandicraft; arts and crafts

            • shǒu gōng yì pǐnhandicrafts

            • gōng yì pǐnhandicraft article; handiwork

            • bō làng gǔa drum-shaped rattle (used by peddlers or as a toy); rattle-drum

            • miàn sù(figurines) made of dough; dough modeling

            • zá shuǎa sideshow; vaudeville

            • ōu měiEurope and America; the West

            • shèng dànChristmas; birthday of reigning Emperor; Confucius' birthday
          • 每当 圣诞节 来临 , 朋友 之间 会互 送 礼物 。
            Měi dāng shèngdàn jié láilín, péngyǒu zhī jiān huì hù sòng lǐwù.
            Whenever Christmas comes, friends will give each other gifts.

            • yuè chūstart of month; early in the month

            • xuǎn gòuchoose and buy
          • 届时 尚 有 最新 设计 的 式样 , 品种 繁多 的 样品 陈列 , 供 你们 选购 。
            jiè shí shàng yǒu zuì xīn shè jì de shì yàng, pǐn zhǒng fán duō de yàng pǐn chén liè, gòng nǐ men xuǎn gòu。
            A great variety of samples, newly designed by our manufacturers, will be on exhibition.

            • zhuāng shìto decorate; decoration; decorative; ornamental
          • 墙 上 有 一个 贝壳 做 成 的 装饰品 。
            qiáng shàng yǒu yī gè bèi ké zuò chéng de zhuāng shì pǐn。
            There is an ornament made of shells on the wall.

            • zhuāng shì pǐnornament
          • 墙 上 有 一个 贝壳 做 成 的 装饰品 。
            qiáng shàng yǒu yī gè bèi ké zuò chéng de zhuāng shì pǐn。
            There is an ornament made of shells on the wall.

            • shì pǐnornament; item of jewelry; accessory
          • 我们 做 了 一些 装饰品 装点 教室 , 得到 了 老师 们 和 校长 的 称赞 。
            Wǒmen zuòle yīxiē zhuāngshì pǐn zhuāngdiǎn jiàoshì, dédàole lǎoshīmen hé xiàozhǎng de chēngzàn.
            We made some decorations and decorated the classroom, which was praised by the teachers and the principal.

            • xiǎng yòngto enjoy the use of; to take pleasure from

              • shí guāngtime; era; period of time
            • 他们 在 回忆 过去 的 美好 时光 。
              Tāmen zài huíyì guòqù de měihǎo shíguāng.
              They're remembering happy times in their past.

              • bèi gǎnto feel even more; to be extremely (sad, lonely, delighted etc)

              • wēn xīncomfort; soft and fragrant; warm
            • 新 家 布置 得 简洁 而 温馨 。
              Xīnjiā bùzhì dé jiǎnjié ér wēnxīn.
              The new home is simply and warmly furnished.

              • shòu màito sell
            • 在 这家 超市 , 烟酒 只 在 规定 时间 内 售卖 。
              Zài zhè jiā chāoshì, yān jiǔ zhǐ zài guīdìng shíjiān nèi shòumài.
              In this supermarket, tobacco and alcohol are only sold within the stipulated time.

                • tān zhǔstall owner; vendor
              • 摊主 家中 有 急事 , 交给 他 帮忙 看 一会 摊子 。
                Tān zhǔ jiāzhōng yǒu jíshì, jiāo gěi tā bāngmáng kàn yī huǐ tānzi.
                There is an emergency in the home of the stall owner, and he is handed over to him to help him watch the stalls.

                • shú kèfrequent visitor

                • tuī jiànto recommend; recommendation
              • 这个 甜点 是 经理 推荐 的 。
                Zhè gè tiándiǎn shì jīnglǐ tuījiàn de.
                This dessert was recommended by the manager.

                • cōngspring onion; shallot; green
              • 春天 的 时候 , 乡村 一片 青葱 碧绿 。
                chūn tiān de shí hou, xiāng cūn yī piàn qīng cōng bì lu:4。
                The country is very green in spring.
              • 洋葱

                • gè guóeach country; every country; various countries
              • 该 组织 旨在 促进 各国 之间 的 友谊 。
                gāi zǔ zhī zhǐ zài cù jìn gè guó zhī jiān de yǒu yì.
                The organizationworks to promote friendship between nations.

                • xiǎng shòuto enjoy; to live it up; pleasure
              • 我 坐 在 庭院 里 享受 明媚 的 阳光 。
                wǒ zuò zài tíng yuàn lǐ xiǎng shòu míng mèi de yáng guāng。
                I was sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine.

                • fēn qīngto distinguish (between different things); to make distinctions clear

                • yóu kètraveler; tourist
              • 导游 带领 游客 参观 博物馆 。
                dǎo yóu dài lǐng yóu kè cān guān bó wù guǎn.
                A guide conducted the visitors round the museum.