Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6B ‣ 第九课 说龙

    • zūn guìrespected; respectable; honorable

    • store, save, hoard, gather
  • 储蓄 是 有 远见 的 。
    chǔ xù shì yǒu yuǎn xiàn de.
    It's prudent to save.
  • 蓄水蓄水池

    • xū fàhair and beard

    • yīngfalcon; Accipiter species (various)
  • 一只 鹰 在 高空 盘旋 。
    yī zhǐ yīng zài gāo kōng pán xuán.
    An eagle circled high overhead.
  • 猫头鹰老鹰

    • bù mǎnto be covered with; to be filled with

    • lín piànscale; fish scales

    • shàng xiàup and down; top and bottom; old and new; length; about
  • 那幅 画 上下 颠倒 了 。
    nà fú huà shàng xià diān dǎo le.
    That picture is upside-down.

    • fān téngto turn over; to surge; to churn; to rummage; raging (torrent)
  • 好多 鱼儿 在 水 中 翻腾 。
    Hǎoduō yú er zài shuǐzhōng fānténg.
    A lot of fish were tumbling in the water.

    • ā gōng(old) grandfather; polite address for an elderly man, or a woman's father-in-law; (Taiwanese) grandfather

    • táng shānTang Shan prefecture level city in Hebei

    • hénghorizontal; transverse
    • hèngharsh and unreasonable
  • 过 马路 要 走 人行横道 。
    Guò mǎlù yào zǒu rénxíng héngdào.
    To cross the street, one should use the crosswalk.
  • 纵横交错横放纵横

    • piěleft slash; cast aside; discard; throw away
    • piēcast aside

    • press down; restrain

    • duì liánrhyming couplet; pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway
  • 家门口 贴 上 了 对联 迎接 新年 。
    Jiā ménkǒu tiē shàngle duìlián yíngjiē xīnnián.
    At the door of the house, a couplet was greeted to welcome the New Year.

    • lóng fēi fèng wǔflamboyant or bold cursive calligraphy (idiom)

    • lǐ yíetiquette; ceremony

    • zhǎn xiànto come out; to emerge; to reveal; to display

    • mǎ bùhorse stance

    • yī jǔa move; an action; in one move; at a stroke; in one go

      • duān zhèngupright; regular; proper; correct
    • 他 五官端正 。
      tā wǔ guān duān zhèng。
      He has very regular features.