Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6B ‣ 第十一课 拥抱未来

    • zì rán zāi hàinatural disaster

    • zāi hàidisastrous damage; scourge

    • zì dòngautomatic; voluntarily
  • 时间 一 到 , 闹钟 就 自动 响 了 。
    Shíjiān yī dào, nàozhōng jiù zìdòng xiǎng le.
    The alarm automatically goes off when it's time.

    • zhào zhucover

    • bì miǎnto avert; to prevent; to avoid; to refrain from
  • 为了 避免 塞车 , 我们 打算 绕道 而 行 。
    Wèi le bìmiǎn sāichē, wǒmen dǎsuàn ràodào ér xíng.
    To avoid the traffic jam, we plan to make a detour.

    • kuài dìexpress delivery

    • fā sòngto transmit; to dispatch

    • jì shùtechnology; technique; skill

    • sōu suǒto search; to look for sth; to scour (search meticulously); to look sth up; internet search; database search

    • gòu mǎito purchase; to buy
  • 我 已 决定 购买 那辆 自行车 。
    wǒ yǐ jué dìng gòu mǎi nà liàng zì xíng chē。
    I've decided to buy that bike.

    • biàn xíngdeformation; to become deformed; to change shape; to morph

    • háng xíngto sail; to fly; to navigate

    • mù dì dìdestination (location)

    • zhé diéto fold

    • tíng chēto pull up (stop one's vehicle); to park; (of a machine) to stop working; to stall
  • 停车场 停满 了 车 , 她 认不出 她 的 车 停 在 哪 了 。
    Tíngchē chǎng tíng mǎnle chē, tā rèn bù chū tā de chē tíng zài nǎle.
    The car park was full of cars and she couldn't recognize where her car was parked.

    • tíng chē wèia parking space

    • mó shùmagic
  • 魔术师 从 他 的 帽子 里 变 出 一只 兔子 。
    mó shù shī zòng tā de mào zi lǐ biàn chū yī zhǐ tù zi。
    The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.

    • suí shíat any time; at all times; at the right time
  • 欢迎 你 随时 到 我们 家 。
    huān yíng nǐ suí shí dào wǒ men jiā。
    You are always welcome to our house.

    • shì yàngstyle
  • 现今 的 时装 式样 变换 很快 。
    xiàn jīn de shí zhuāng shì yàng biàn huàn hěn kuài。
    The fashions of today change very quickly.

    • tiáo jiéto adjust; to regulate; to harmonize; to reconcile (accountancy etc)

    • wēn dùtemperature

    • jiǎo xiàunder the foot

    • néng yuánenergy; power source

    • xíng zǒuto walk

    • zhuǎn huànto transform; to change; to convert
  • 镜头 转换 到 一座 坟墓 。
    jìng tóu zhuǎn huàn dào yī zuò fén mù。
    The scene shifted to a sepulcher.

    • diàn lìelectrical power; electricity

    • bù yī dìngnot necessarily; maybe

    • huàn xiǎngdelusion; fantasy