Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6B ‣ 第十一课 拥抱未来

    • luó bó tèRobert (name)


    • guǎng gào páiadvertisement; hoarding; signboard

    • yuán běnoriginally; original
  • 那 把 椅子 原本 是 为 你 准备 的 , 但是 被 她 拿走 了 。
    nà bǎ yǐ zi yuán běn shì wèi nǐ zhǔn bèi de, dàn shì bèi tā ná zǒu le。
    The chair was intended for you, but she took it away.

    • zhú jiàngradually
  • 我 的 计划 逐渐 成熟 。
    wǒ de jì huà zhú jiàn chéng shú。
    My plan has gradually come to maturity.

    • gè shìall kinds of
  • 过节 的 时候 , 各式各样 的 烟花 在 空中 绽放 。
    Guòjié de shíhòu, gè shì gè yàng de yānhuā zài kōngzhōng zhànfàng.
    During the festival, a variety of fireworks bloom in the air.

    • gè shì gè yàng(of) all kinds and sorts; various
  • 我们 出售 的 产品 是 各式各样 的 。
    wǒ men chū shòu de chǎn pǐn shì gè shì gè yàng de。
    The products we sell are many and various.

    • chí yíto hesitate

    • qiān yuēto sign a contract or agreement

    • hé yuētreaty; contract

    • xiào xī xīgrinning; smile happily
  • 他 笑嘻嘻 的 表情 很 可爱 。
    Tā xiàoxīxī de biǎoqíng hěn kě'ài.
    His smiling expression is very cute.

    • qiáo jiànto see

    • qiè qièprivately; secretly; unobtrusively

    • qiè qiè sī yǔto whisper

    • sī yǔmurmur

    • qiāo qiao huàwhisperings; private words; confidences; sweet nothings

    • zì jùwords; expressions; writing

    • cháng duǎnlength; duration; accident; right and wrong; good and bad; long and short

    • dǎ suànto plan; to intend; to calculate; plan; intention; calculation
  • 为了 紧跟 时代 潮流 , 他们 打算 启动 一个 互联网 项目 。
    Wèile jǐn gēn shídài cháoliú, tāmen dǎsuàn qǐdòng yīgè hùliánwǎng xiàngmù.
    In order to keep up with the trend of the times, they intend to launch an Internet project.

    • kǎo lǜto think over; to consider; consideration
  • 你 的 提议 值得 考虑 。
    nǐ de tíyì zhíde kǎolǜ .
    Your proposal is worthy of being considered.

    • huàn shàngput on

    • yīn yuè jiāmusician

    • dùn shíimmediately; suddenly
  • 喜讯 传 来 , 人们 顿时 欢呼 起来 。
    xǐ xùn zhuàn lái, rén men dùn shí huān hū qǐ lai。
    People broke into cheers at once when they heard the good news.

    • sì miànall sides
  • 风 从 四面八方 吹 来 。
    fēng zòng sì miàn bā fāng chuī lái.
    The wind blew from all quarters.

    • sì miàn bā fāngin all directions; all around; far and near
  • 四面八方 立即 伸出 援助 之 手 。
    sì miàn bā fāng lì jí shēn chū yuán zhù zhī shǒu。
    Offers of help are coming in thick and fast.

    • bā fāngthe eight points of the compass; all directions
  • 胜利 的 消息 迅速 传遍 四面八方 。
    Shènglì de xiāoxī xùnsù chuán biàn sìmiànbāfāng.
    The news of victory spread quickly in all directions.

    • huǎn mànslow; slow-moving
  • 乌龟 爬 得 很 缓慢 。
    Wūguī pá de hěn huǎnmàn.
    Tortoises crawl very slowly.

    • qiāo dǎto beat sb; to beat (a drum)
  • 他 在 敲打 键盘 。
    Tā zài qiāodǎ jiànpán.
    He's typing on the keyboard.

    • bō lí chuāngglass window

    • chú shīcook; chef

    • suān tián kǔ làsour, sweet, bitter and spicy hot; fig. the joys and sorrows of life

    • chick of the tongue; tut-tut

    • tiǎnlick with tongue; taste

    • zuǐ jiǎocorner of the mouth
  • 小乐 看 了 看 我 , 嘴角 动了动 , 好像 想 说 什么 。
    Xiǎo lè kànle kàn wǒ, zuǐjiǎo dòngle dòng, hǎoxiàng xiǎng shuō shénme.
    Xiaole looked at me, and moved the corners of his mouth, as if trying to say something.

    • xīn mǎn yì zúperfectly contented (idiom); perfectly satisfied

    • zhàngswell, inflate, expand
  • 他 觉得 肚子 有点 胀 。
    Tā juéde dùzi yǒudiǎn zhàng.
    His stomach felt a little bloated.

    • róurub, massage; crush by hand
  • 他 用 手掌 揉 了 揉 前额 。
    tā yòng shǒu zhǎng róu le róu qián è.
    He rubbed his palm across his forehead.
  • 揉成一团揉成

    • chī chī hē hēeat and drink

    • chī hēfood and drink; diet

    • zuǒ sī yòu xiǎngto turn over in one's mind (idiom); to think through from different angles; to ponder
  • 与其 这样 左思右想 没有 答案 , 不如 直接 问 老师 。
    Yǔqí zhèyàng zuǒsī yòu xiǎng méiyǒu dá'àn, bùrú zhíjiē wèn lǎoshī.
    Instead of thinking about it, there is no answer. It is better to ask the teacher directly.

    • què dìngdefinite; certain; fixed; to fix (on sth); to determine; to be sure; to ensure; to make certain; to ascertain; to clinch; to recognize; to confirm; OK (on computer dialog box)
  • 我们 开会 的 时间 已经 确定 了 。
    wǒ men kāi huì de shí jiān yǐ jīng què dìng le.
    The time for our meeting has been fixed already.

    • kǔ nǎovexed; distressed
  • 在 我 苦恼 的 时候 , 她 来 安慰 我 。
    zài wǒ kǔ nǎo de shí hou, tā Lái ān wèi wǒ。
    She comforted me in my distress.

    • wú nàihelpless; without choice; for lack of better option; grudgingly; willy-nilly; nolens volens; abbr. for 无可奈何
  • 他 对 生活 感到 很 无奈 。
    Tā duì shēnghuó gǎndào hěn wúnài.
    He feels powerless about his own life.

    • chuí tóu sàng qìhanging one's head dispiritedly (idiom); dejected; crestfallen
  • 与其 让 自己 失败 后 垂头丧气 , 不如 此刻 努力 , 争取 成功 。
    Yǔqí ràng zìjǐ shībài hòu chuítóusàngqì, bùrú cǐkè nǔlì, zhēngqǔ chénggōng.
    Instead of letting yourself fail, you will be downcast, not so hard, and strive for success.

    • yǔ sīdrizzle; fine rain

    • qià hǎoas it turns out; by lucky coincidence
  • 他 那时 恰好 从 那里 路过 。
    tā nà shí qià hǎo zòng nà li lù guò。
    He happened to pass by there at that time.

    • jué duìabsolute; unconditional
  • 我 绝对 不会 支持 他 。
    Wǒ juéduì bù huì zhīchí tā.
    I will absolutely not support him.

    • yī kèmoment

    • kāi guānpower switch; to open a gate

      • yǐn qǐto give rise to; to lead to; to cause; to arouse

      • used in translation

      • líng jiànpart; component

      • huàng dangto rock; to sway; to shake
    • 这栋 房子 周围 有 几个 小 男孩 在 晃荡 。
      zhè dòng fáng zi zhōu wéi yǒu jǐ ge xiǎo nán hái zài huàng dàng。
      There are several young boys loitering around the building.

      • chǔ cúnstockpile; to store; to stockpile; storage

      • cún zàito exist; to be; existence

      • dà nǎobrain; cerebrum

      • bèng tiàoto hop; to jump

      • quán xīnall new; completely new