Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6B ‣ 第十一课 拥抱未来

    • sì dà fā míngthe four great Chinese inventions: paper, printing, magnetic compass and gunpowder

      • huó zìmovable type

      • huó zì yìn shuāprinting with movable type

      • yìn shuāprint

      • yìn shuā shùprinting; printing technology

      • zhǐ nánto guide; guidebook

      • zhǐ nán zhēncompass

      • huǒ yàogunpowder

      • xiàn dàimodern times; modern age; modern era

      • kē xué jì shùscience and technology

      • jì shùtechnology; technique; skill

      • fā zhǎndevelopment; growth; to develop; to grow; to expand
    • 科技 发展 得 很快 。
      Kējì fāzhǎnde hěn kuài.
      Science and technology advances very quickly.

      • dōng hànEastern or later Han dynasty, 25-220

      • cài lúnCai Lun (-121), the inventor of paper making

      • gǎi jìnto improve; to make better
    • 该 报告 建议 安全 标准 应该 改进 。
      gāi bào gào jiàn yì ān quán biāo zhǔn yīng gāi gǎi jìn。
      The report advances the suggestion that safety standards should be improved.

      • zhǐ zhāngpaper

      • bì xūto need; to require; essential; indispensable

      • bì xū pǐnnecessity; essential (thing)

      • sòng dàiSong dynasty (960-1279)

      • bì shēngBi Sheng (inventor of movable type)

      • diāo bǎna carved printing block

      • líng huóflexible; nimble; agile
    • 弹钢琴 需要 我们 有 灵活 的 手指 , 所以 平时 我们 要 多 练习 。
      Dàn gāngqín xūyào wǒmen yǒu línghuó de shǒuzhǐ, suǒyǐ píngshí wǒmen yào duō liànxí.
      Playing the piano requires us to have flexible fingers, so we usually have to practice more.

      • chuán bōto disseminate; to propagate; to spread
    • 苍蝇 能 传播 疾病 。
      cāng ying néng chuán bō jí bìng.
      Flies spread disease.

          • zhǐ shìto point out; to indicate; to instruct; directives; instructions
        • 一直 朝着 这个 方向 走 就 看见 指示牌 了 。
          yī zhí cháo著 zhè gè fāng xiàng zǒu jiù kàn jiàn zhǐ shì pái le.
          Continue in this direction until you see a sign.

          • háng hǎisailing; navigation; voyage by sea
        • 船长 在 航海 日志 中 描述 了 这次 事故 。
          chuán zhǎng zài háng hǎi rì zhì zhòng miáo shù le zhè cì shì gù。
          The captain described the accident in the ship's log.

          • gǔ rénpeople from ancient times; the ancients; the late (i.e. person who has passed away)
        • 古人 认为 勇敢 是 美德 的 主要 成分 。
          gǔ rén rèn wéi yǒng gǎn shì měi dé de zhǔ yào chéng fèn。
          The ancients counted courage as the main part of virtue.

            • míng liǎoto understand clearly; to be clear about; plain; clear

            • biān pàofirecrackers; string of small firecrackers
          • 新春 到 了 , 家家户户 放鞭炮 。
            Xīnchūn dào le, jiājiā hùhù fàng biānpào.
            Lunar New Year has arrived. Each and every family sets off firecrackers.

            • dàn yàoammunition