Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6B ‣ 第十二课 再见,亲爱的伙伴

    • bì yègraduation; to graduate; to finish school
  • 我们 毕业 了 !
    Wǒmen bìyè le!
    We've graduated!

    • diǎn lǐcelebration; ceremony
  • 毕业典礼 结束 , 大家 松开 了 手 中 的 线 , 气球 升向 了 天空 。
    Bìyè diǎnlǐ jiéshù, dàjiā sōng kāile shǒuzhōng de xiàn, qìqiú shēng xiàngle tiānkōng.
    At the end of the graduation ceremony, everyone released the line in their hands and the balloon rose to the sky.

    • qǐng tiěinvitation card; written invitation

    • bì yè shēnggraduate

    • jǔ xíngto hold (a meeting, ceremony etc)
  • 运动会 明天 举行 。
    Yùndònghuì míngtiān jǔxíng.
    The sports meeting will be held tomorrow.

    • chéng kěnsincere; honest; cordial
  • 他 的 服务 态度 很 诚恳 。
    Tā de fúwù tàidù hěn chéngkěn.
    His desire to serve is sincere.

    • chū xíto attend; to participate; present
  • 市长 出席 了 这 次 新闻 发布会 。
    Shìzhǎng chūxí le zhècì xīnwén fābù huì.
    The mayor attended the press conference.

    • jiàn zhèngwitness; testimony

    • liú chéngcourse; stream; sequence of processes; work flow in manufacturing

    • rù chǎngto enter the venue for a meeting; to enter into an examination; to enter a stadium, arena etc
  • 我 买 到 了 两 张 球赛 的 入场券 。
    Wǒ mǎidàole liǎng zhāng qiúsài de rùchǎngquàn.
    I've bought two tickets for the ball game.

    • zhì cíto make a speech; to make some remarks

    • yí shìceremony
  • 市长 主持 了 市 图书 馆 的 落成 仪式 。
    shì zhǎng zhǔ chí le shì tú shū guǎn de luò chéng yí shì。
    The city library was inaugurated by the mayor.

    • bān fāto issue; to promulgate; to award

    • bì yè zhèng shūdiploma

    • zhèng shūcredentials; certificate

    • dú zòusolo

    • shī gēpoem

    • lǎng sòngread aloud with expression; recite; declaim

    • xiào gēschool song

    • hé yǐngjoint photo; group photo

    • liú niànto keep as a souvenir; to recall fondly
  • 每逢 外出 游玩 , 他 都 喜欢 拍照 留念 。
    Měi féng wàichū yóuwán, tā dōu xǐhuān pāizhào liúniàn.
    Whenever he goes out, he likes to take pictures.

    • wēn xīncomfort; soft and fragrant; warm
  • 新 家 布置 得 简洁 而 温馨 。
    Xīnjiā bùzhì dé jiǎnjié ér wēnxīn.
    The new home is simply and warmly furnished.

    • tí qiánto shift to an earlier date; to do sth ahead of time; in advance
  • 你 必须 提前 两 小时 到达 机场 。
    nǐ bì xū tí qián liǎng xiǎo shí dào dá jī chǎng。
    You must arrive at the airport two hours early.

    • rù zuòto seat (sb in a restaurant etc); to take one's seat

    • xiào nèion-campus; intramural

    • chē wèiparking spot; unloading point; garage place; stand for taxi