Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6B ‣ 第十二课 再见,亲爱的伙伴

    • hǎi nèithe whole world; throughout the land; everything under the sun

    • zhī jǐto know oneself; to be intimate or close; intimate friend

    • tiān yáthe other end of the world; a far-away place

    • bǐ línneighbor; next-door neighbor; near; next to

    • xiāng jiànto see each other; to meet in person

    • also, too; likewise

    • táo huāpeach blossom
  • 他 看 着 院子 里 的 桃 花 谢 了 , 心里 期盼 它们 早日 结出 桃子 。
    Tā kànzhe yuànzi lǐ de táohuā xièle, xīnlǐ qī pàn tāmen zǎorì jié chū táozi.
    He looked at the peach blossoms in the yard and thanked them for the early birth of peaches.

    • táo huā tán shuǐthe peach blossom pool

    • tán shuǐdeep water
  • 桃花潭水 深 千尺 , 不及 汪伦 送 我情 。
    Táohuā tán shuǐshēn qiān chǐ, bùjí wānglún sòng wǒ qíng.
    Peach Blossom Lake is thousands of feet deep, not as good as Wang Lun.

    • wāng lún(name) Wang Lun

    • zhēn zhòngprecious; extremely valuable; (honorific) Please take good care of yourself!

    • yī lù shùn fēngto have a pleasant journey (idiom)
  • 祝 你 一路顺风 。
    zhù nǐ yī lù shùn fēng。
    May you have a fine trip.

    • shùn fēnglit. tail wind; Bon voyage!
  • 祝 你 一路顺风 。
    zhù nǐ yī lù shùn fēng。
    May you have a fine trip.

    • do not; no; no one; nothing
  • 谚语 : 今天 能够 做 的 事 , 切莫 拖延 到 明天 。
    【 yàn】 jīn tiān néng gòu zuò de shì, qiè mò tuō yán dào míng tiān。
    Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

    • tiān xiàland under heaven; the whole world; the whole of China; realm; rule
  • 他 称霸 天下 。
    tā chèng bà tiān xià。
    His power sways the world.

      • qián túprospects; future outlook; journey

      • guāng mínglight; illumination; radiance (esp. glory of Buddha etc); fig. bright prospects; openhearted