Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6B ‣ 第十二课 再见,亲爱的伙伴

    • zhù hèto congratulate; congratulations
  • 祝贺 你 毕业 了 !
    Zhùhè nǐ bìyè le!
    Congratulations on your graduation!

    • you; your; one person
  • 你好 !
    Nǐ hǎo!
  • 舍不得你你们你追我跑迷你你好你家我爱你祝你幸福带你去祝你们谢谢你们考考你祝你快乐爱护你

    • wŏ demy; mine

    • hái zichild
  • 这 孩子 很 顽皮 。
    Zhè háizi hěn wánpí.
    He's a mischievous child.

    • zhǎng dàto grow up
  • 树苗 长大 了 。
    Shùmiáo zhǎngdà le.
    The tree seedling has grown.

    • jí jiāngon the eve of; to be about to; to be on the verge of
  • 一本 新 书 即将 出版 。
    yī běn xīn shū jí jiāng chū bǎn。
    A new book is about to be brought out.

    • kāi shǐto begin; beginning; to start; initial
  • 新 学期 开始 了 。
    Xīn xuéqī kāishǐ le.
    The new semester has started.

    • zì jǐoneself; one's own
  • 请 介绍 你 自己 。
    Qǐng jièshào nǐ zìjǐ. (also qing ziwo jieshao yixia)
    Please introduce yourself.

    • rén shēnglife (one's time on earth)
  • 通过 阅读 , 我们 能 体会 不同 的 人生 。
    Tōngguò yuèdú, wǒmen néng tǐhuì bùtóng de rénshēng.
    Through reading, we can experience different life.

    • zhè shíat this time; at this moment

    • fù qīnfather; also pr. [fu4 qin5]
  • 这 是 我 的 父亲 。
    Zhè shì wǒ de fùqin.
    This is my father.

    • xīn qíngmood; frame of mind
  • 喜讯 传 来 , 他 心情 很好 。
    xǐ xùn zhuàn lái, tā xīn qíng hěn hǎo。
    The good news put him in fine fettle.

    • zěn yànghow; why
  • 辣椒 的 味道 是 怎样 的 ?
    là jiāo de wèi dao shì zěn yàng de?
    How does chilli taste?

    • ne(particle.) ne
    • woollen cloth
  • 接下来 怎么 做 呢 ?
    Jiēxiàlái zěnme zuò ne?
    What to do next (about this)?

    • jīn tiāntoday; at the present; now
  • 今天 刮 大风 。
    Jīntiān guā dàfēng.
    It's very windy today.

    • xià wǔafternoon; p.m.
  • 我们 周三 下午 没 课 。
    wǒmen zhōusān xiàwǔ méi kè .
    We don't have class on Wednesday afternoons.

    • xué xiàoschool
  • 我 在 学校 。
    Wǒ zài xuéxiào.
    I am at school.

    • huí laito return; to come back
  • 我 回来 了 。
    Wǒ huílai le.
    I'm back.

    • hold, handle
    • a handle
  • 请 把门 打开 。
    qǐng bǎ mén dǎ kāi。
    Open the door, please.
  • 一把伞把手扫把拖把加把劲一把三把共用一把伞

    • yī zhāngone (table, bed)

    • jiǎng zhuàngcertificate (of prize, degree, diploma etc)

    • bān shàng(in the) class
  • 我们 班上 有 三十 位 学生 , 只有 一位 通过 考试 , 其余 都 不及格 。
    wǒ men bān shàng yǒu sān shí wèi xué sheng, zhǐ yǒu yī wèi tōng guò kǎo shì, qí yú dōu bù jí gé。
    We have 30 students in our class; one passed the exam, and the others (=the rest) all failed.

    • shī shēngteachers and students

    • hé zhàoto pose for a photo

    • xiàng piànimage; photograph
  • 试用 照相机 斜 着 照 , 照 出来 的 相片 更 有意思 。
    shì yòng zhào xiàng jī xié著 zhào, zhào chū lai de xiàng piàn gèng yǒu yì si.
    Try angling the camera for a more interesting picture.

    • peace; harmony; and
    • to join
    • huómix, blend
    • huòmix, blend, time (counting word)
    • win in gambling
  • 他 和 我 同 岁 。
    tā hé wǒ tóng suì .
    He and I are the same age.
  • 和谐暖和共和共和国和平和尚柔和沙和尚温和新加坡共和国

    • yī běnone (book, etc.)

    • jì niànto commemorate; to remember
  • 那 座 纪念碑 是 城市 的 地标 。
    Nà zuò jìniànbēi shì chéngshì de dìbiāo.
    That monument is the landmark of the city.

    • jì niàn cèautograph album; commemorative album

      • mǔ qīnmother; also pr. [mu3 qin5]
    • 我 爱 我 的 母亲 。
      Wǒ ài wǒ de mǔqin.
      I love my mother.

      • shǒu zhōngin the hand

      • cáiability; talent; a person of certain ability or talent; just; only
    • 刚才 他 逛街 去 了 。
      Gāngcái tā guàngjiē qù le.
      He went shopping just now.
    • 才是才能刚才人才天才怎样才能

      • huǎng ránsuddenly (understand sth); in a flash
    • 看 到 江面 上 漂浮 的 船 , 他 恍然大悟 , 那 二 人 定 是 早就 逃 了 。
      Kàn dào jiāngmiàn shàng piāofú de chuán, tā huǎngrándàwù, nà èr rén dìng shì zǎo jiù táole.
      Seeing the floating ship on the river, he suddenly realized that the two had already fled.

      • jīng juéto realize suddenly; to wake up with a start

      • yǐ jīngalready
    • 车子 已经 旧 了 。
      Chēzi yǐjīng jiù le.
      The vehicle is already old.

      • xiǎo xuéprimary school
    • 他 已经 到 了 应该 读书 的 年纪 , 明年 就要 开始 上 小学 了 。
      Tā yǐjīng dàole yīnggāi dúshū de niánjì, míngnián jiù yào kāishǐ shàng xiǎoxuéle.
      He has reached the age at which he should study, and he will start school next year.

      • bì yègraduation; to graduate; to finish school
    • 我们 毕业 了 !
      Wǒmen bìyè le!
      We've graduated!

      • cǎi sècolor; multi-colored
    • 这里 有 很多 彩色 铅笔 。
      Zhèli yǒu hěn duō cǎisè qiānbǐ.
      There are many colored pencils.

      • zhào piànphotograph; picture
    • 他 拍 了 大量 的 照片 。
      Tā pāi le dàliàng de zhàopiàn.
      He has taken numerous photos.

      • yī yǎna glance; a quick look; a glimpse
    • 他 看 了 一眼 他 的 表 。
      tā kàn le yīyǎn tā de biǎo .
      He glanced at his watch.

      • kàn dàosee

      • dào liǎoat last; finally; in the end

        • yòuright side; superior
      • 请 右转 。
        Qǐng yòu zhuǎn.
        Please turn right.
      • 左思右想左右向右右边右上右手右下右转左邻右舍右上角右下角向右转右脚

        • stand up; rise; start up; (as quantifier) case; draft
      • 我 七 点 起床 。
        Wǒ qī diǎn qǐchuáng.
        I get up at seven in the morning.
      • 回想起来想起喊起来引起夹起早起想不起来早睡早起踮起站起来一起折起皱起叫起来折起来弹起合起来弹起来扶起起床起跑点架起了不起提起过建起举起骄傲起来捞起起来夹起来收起闭起捞起来谈起吊起遮盖起来挺起对不起飞起来托起聚在一起抬起头响起看起来吊起来抓起零起点跳起来拿起捡起起点亮起起飞抬起头来起劲团结起来想不起起立连在一起起跑连接起来起先搭起起因笑了起来升起流行起来竖起下起说起讲起抬起跳起提起爬起来挑起


        • chuān zhuóattire; clothes; dress
        • chuān zhewearing

        • tiān lán sèazure

        • lán sèblue (color)

        • yùn dòngto move; to exercise; sports; exercise; motion; movement; campaign
      • 她 喜欢 各种 运动 。
        tā xǐ huan gè zhǒng yùn dòng。
        She likes all kinds of sports.

        • yùn dòng fúsportswear

        • yī tóuone head; a head full of sth; one end (of a stick); one side; headlong; directly; rapidly; simultaneously

        • zhěng qíorderly; neat; even; tidy
      • 书架 上 的 书 摆放 得 很 整齐 。
        Shūjià shàng de shū bǎifàng de hěn zhěngqí.
        The books on the shelf are arranged in good order.

          • hēi fàfine black hair

          • hái yǒufurthermore; in addition; still; also
        • 厨房 还有 汤 , 你 还 可以 去 装 一碗 。
          Chúfáng hái yǒu tāng, nǐ hái kěyǐ qù zhuāng yī wǎn.
          There is soup in the kitchen, you can also go to a bowl.

          • yáng guāngsunshine; transparent (open to public scrutiny)
        • 太阳光 直 射 在 我们 脸 上 。
          tài yáng guāng zhí shè zài wǒ men liǎn shàng。
          The sun was shining in our faces.

            • xiào róngsmile; smiling expression
          • 艺术家 巧妙 地 捕捉 住 她 的 笑容 。
            yì shù jiā qiǎo miào de bǔ zhuō zhù tā de xiào róng.
            The artist has caught her smile perfectly.

            • dǎ kāito open; to show (a ticket); to turn on; to switch on
          • 请 把门 打开 。
            qǐng bǎ mén dǎ kāi。
            Open the door, please.

            • jí qièeager; impatient

            • de(a particle used after an adverbial)
            • earth; land; place
          • 地毯 有点 脏 。
            Dìtǎn yǒudiǎn zāng.
            The carpet is a little dirty.
          • 满地本地天地间遍地离地场地小天地大地静静地地点草地上地面悄悄地地球远远地地上偷偷地地铁站建筑工地地图牢牢地地下呼呼地地下水坐地铁地下通道骄傲地地震快活地电邮地址特地来空地默默地猛地细心地目的地哪些地方沙地扫地有秩序地世界各地工地轻快地随地地方特地到特地各地细细地天地地铁田地地板外地草地营地地址种地地区洗地土地洗地板地洞轻轻地陆地伤心地深深地奥地利

            • yī bǎione hundred

            • bì yè shēnggraduate

            • xún zhǎoto seek; to look for
          • 他 在 寻找 参考书 。
            Tā zài xúnzhǎo cānkǎoshū.
            He's looking for a reference book.

            • xǔ duōmany; a lot of; much
          • 她 提 了 许多 问题 。
            Tā tí le xǔduō wèntí. (also henduo)
            She raised a lot of questions.

            • yōu xiùoutstanding; excellent
          • 他 的 成绩 很 优秀 。
            Tā de chéngjì hěn yōuxiù.
            His grades are outstanding.

            • shào niányoungster; juvenile
          • 少年 们 很 活泼 。
            Shàoniánmen hěn huópo.
            The young boys are very spirited.

            • zhǎo dàoto find

            • mǎn zúto satisfy; to meet (the needs of); satisfied; content
          • 只要 有 饭 吃 他 就 很 满足 了 。
            Zhǐ yào yǒu fàn chī, tā jiù hěn mǎnzú le. (also manyi)
            He only needs something to eat, he is very satisfied?.

            • gāo xìnghappy; glad; willing (to do sth); in a cheerful mood
          • 很 高兴 为 您 服务 。
            Hěn gāoxìng wèi nín fúwù.
            Glad to be at your service. (polite)

            • yǎn jiǎoouter or inner corner of the eye; canthus


            • cháo shīdamp; moist

            • cóng xiǎofrom childhood; as a child
          • 她 从小 养成 了 独立思考 的 能力 , 没想到 现在 帮 了 她 大 忙 。
            Tā cóngxiǎo yǎng chéngle dúlì sīkǎo de nénglì, méi xiǎngdào xiànzài bāngle tā dàmáng.
            She grew up to be independent thinking, and did not expect to help her a lot now.

            • měi wǎnEvery night

            • rù shuìto fall asleep

            • dōuall; both
            • big city; capital
          • 一切 都 会 好 的 。
            yī qiè dū huì hǎo de。
            Everything will be OK.
          • 全都一切都是满嘴都是

            • zuò zàisit at

            • chuáng biānbedside
          • 睁开 眼睛 , 她 看 到 妈妈 守 在 床边 。
            Zhēng kāi yǎnjīng, tā kàn dào māmā shǒu zài chuáng biān.
            Opening her eyes, she saw her mother staying by the bed.

            • wéito do; to act as
            • wèifor
          • 为什么 ?
          • 为此为了为难一言为定是因为为伴勇为为您服务结为为题为什么因为认为以为作为难为情称为见义勇为不以为然成为分为行为评为

            • gù shìold practice
            • gù shinarrative; story; tale
          • 这个 故事 真 有趣 呀 。
            Zhè gè gùshi zhēn yǒuqù ya.
            This story is really interesting!

            • rán hòuafter; then (afterwards); after that; afterwards
          • 先 读 课文 , 然后 解释 生词 。
            xiān dú kè wén, rán hòu jiě shì shēng cí。
            Read the text first and then explain the new words.

            • gēnheel; follow; accompany; with
          • 请 跟 我 来 。
            Qǐng gēn wǒ lái.
            Please come with me.
          • 跟着翻跟头高跟鞋跟头紧跟跟斗

            • yōng bàoto embrace; to hug
          • 她 紧紧 拥抱 着 她 的 母亲 。
            tā jǐn jǐn yōng bào著 tā de mǔ qīn。
            She gave her mother an affectionate hug.

            • ān ránsafely; peacefully; at a rest

            • shí èrtwelve; 12

            • yī zhístraight (in a straight line); continuously; always; from the beginning of ... up to ...; all along
          • 我 一直 想见 你 。
            wǒ yīzhí xiǎng jiàn nǐ. (also jiandao)
            I continuously want to (see/be with) you.

            • hái shior; still; nevertheless; had better
          • 现在 这里 树立 着 一座座 高楼 , 十 年 前 , 这里 还是 一片 荒地 。
            Xiànzài zhèlǐ shùlìzhe yīzuò zuò gāolóu, shí nián qián, zhèlǐ háishì yīpiàn huāngdì.
            There are now tall buildings here, and ten years ago, it was still a wasteland.

            • lè yìto be willing to do sth; to be ready to do sth; to be happy to do sth; content; satisfied

            • rú cǐin this way; so
          • 我 希望 如此 。
            wǒ xīwàng rúcǐ .
            I hope so.

            • érand; but; however
          • 他 不辞而别 。
            tā bù cí ér biè。
            He left without notice.
          • 而且不约而同半途而废而是飞奔而去反而

            • xí guànhabit; custom; usual practice; to be used to
          • 她 对 新 环境 不 习惯 。
            tā duì xīn huán jìng bù xí guàn。
            She is not used to the new environment.

            • rànggivea way; let; allow; elect; blame
          • 让 我 试 试 。
            ràng wǒ shìshi .
            Let me try.
          • 让座礼让不让

            • xiǎng yǒuto enjoy (rights, privileges etc)

            • tè biéespecially; special; particular; unusual
          • 我 特别 不 喜欢 洋葱 。
            wǒ tè bié bù xǐ huan yáng cōng。
            I especially dislike onions.

            • zhào guto take care of; to show consideration; to attend to; to look after
          • 她 委托 邻居 照顾 她 的 孩子 。
            tā wěi tuō lín jū zhào gu tā de hái zi。
            She resigned her children to the care of a neighbor.

            • quán lìpower; right; privilege

            • dà gàiroughly; probably; rough; approximate; about; general idea
          • 今天 路上 很 堵 , 我们 大概 要 晚上 八 点 才能 到 你 家 了 。
            Jīntiān lùshàng hěn dǔ, wǒmen dàgài yào wǎnshàng bā diǎn cáinéng dào nǐ jiāle.
            Today, the road is very blocked. We will probably arrive at your home at eight o'clock in the evening.

            • liǎng gètwo

            • xīng qīweek; day of the week; Sunday
          • 买房 者 下星期 付 定金 。
            mǎi fáng zhě xià xīng qī fù dìng jīn。
            The purchaser of the house will pay the deposit next week.

            • míng yuèbright moon; refers to 夜明珠, a legendary pearl that can glow in the dark
          • 一轮 明月 当空 照耀 着 。
            yī lún míng yuè dàng kòng zhào yào zhuó。
            Overhead the moon was shining.

            • dāng kōnghigh above in the sky
          • 一轮 明月 当空 照耀 着 。
            yī lún míng yuè dàng kòng zhào yào zhuó。
            Overhead the moon was shining.

            • wǎn shangevening; night; in the evening
          • 整个 晚上 他 都 在 看电视 。
            Zhěng gè wǎnshàng tā dōu zài kàn diànshì. (also ta first)
            He was watching TV all night.

            • wǒ menwe; us; ourselves; our
          • 我们 是 朋友 。
            Wǒmen shì péngyou.
            We're friends.

            • wài chūto go out; to go away (on a trip etc)
          • 天 在 下雪 , 所以 我 无法 外出 。
            tiān zài xià xuě, suǒ yǐ wǒ wú fǎ wài chū。
            It was snowing, and so I could not go out.

            • xiànglikeness; image; resemble
          • 天 好像 要 下雨 了 。
            Tiān hǎoxiàng yào xiàyǔ le.
            It seems that it's going to rain!
          • 好像偶像石像塑像影像像是

            • wǎng chánghabitually (in the past); as one used to do formerly; as it used to be
          • 今天 食堂 比 往常 忙 得 多 。
            jīn tiān shí táng bì wǎng cháng máng de duō.
            The canteen is more than usually busy today.

            • yī yàngsame; like; equal to; the same as; just like
          • 他 和 我 一样 高 。
            tā hé wǒ yīyàng gāo .
            He and I are the same height.

            • bēi zhecarrying on back

            • shú shuìasleep; sleeping soundly

            • xià chēto get off or out of (a bus, train, car etc)

            • měng ránsuddenly; abruptly
          • 公共汽车 猛然 刹车 停住 了 。
            gōng gòng qì chē měng rán shā chē tíng zhù le。
            The bus jerked to a stop.

            • gǎn juéto feel; to become aware of; feeling; sense; perception
          • 我 今天 感觉 好多 了 。
            wǒ jīntiān gǎnjué hǎo duō le .
            I feel much better today.

            • gǎn jué dàoto feel; to sense; to detect; to perceive; to become aware

            • zhòng liàngweight
          • 这些 柱子 支撑 着 屋顶 的 重量 。
            zhè xie zhù zi zhī chēng著 wū dǐng de zhòng liàng.
            These pillars carry the weight of the roof.

            • jī hūalmost; nearly; practically
          • 她们 几乎 长得 一模一样 。
            Tāmen jǐhū zhǎng de yīmú-yīyàng.
            The two of them are practically identical.

            • bù néngcannot; must not; should not
          • 不能 闯红灯 。
            Bù néng chuǎng hóngdēng.
            You shouldn't run red lights.

            • fù dānburden; to bear a burden
          • 比赛 完毕 后 , 没有 了 负担 , 他 的 脚步 看起来 很 轻快 。
            Bǐsài wánbì hòu, méiyǒule fùdān, tā de jiǎobù kàn qǐlái hěn qīngkuài.
            After the game was over, there was no burden, and his footsteps looked very brisk.

            • yú shìthereupon; as a result; consequently; thus; hence
          • 马 感觉 到 了 危险 , 于是 停 了 下来 。
            mǎ gǎn jué dào le wēi xiǎn, yú shì tíng le xia lai。
            The horse sensed danger and stopped.

            • zì yán zì yǔto talk to oneself; to think aloud; to soliloquize
          • “ 我 该 做 什么 呢 ? ” 我 自言自语 道 。
            wǒ gāi zuò shénme ne ? wǒ zìyánzìyǔ dào .
            What shall I do? I said to myself.

            • zì yǔtalk to oneself
          • “ 我 该 做 什么 呢 ? ” 我 自言自语 道 。
            wǒ gāi zuò shénme ne ? wǒ zìyánzìyǔ dào .
            What shall I do? I said to myself.

            • āah; oh
          • 着火 了 ! 快 跑 啊 !
            zhāohuǒ le ! kuài pǎo ā !
            Fire! Run!

            • xǐng láito waken
          • 直到 听到 闹钟 的 铃声 我 才 醒来 。
            zhí dào tīng dào nào zhōng de líng shēng wǒ cái xǐng lái。
            I didn't wake up until I heard the alarm clock.

            • xiǎn deto seem; to look; to appear
          • 他 显得 很 气愤 。
            Tā xiǎnde hěn qìfèn.
            He looks furious.

            • yǒu xiēsome; somewhat
          • 有些 广告 毫无 吸引力 。
            yǒu xiē guǎng gào háo wú xī yǐn lì。
            Some advertisements have no pull at all.

            • bù hǎo yì sito feel embarrassed; to find it embarrassing; to be sorry (for inconveniencing sb)
          • 我 不好意思 告诉 她 我 不及格 。
            wǒ bù hǎo yì si gào su tā wǒ bù jí gé。
            I was too ashamed to tell her that I had failed.

            • hǎo yì sito have the nerve; what a cheek!; to feel no shame; to overcome the shame; (is it) proper? (rhetorical question)
          • 你 送给 我 这么 贵重 的 礼物 , 我 怎么 好意思 收下 呢 ?
            Nǐ sòng gěi wǒ zhème guìzhòng de lǐwù, wǒ zěnme hǎoyìsi shōu xià ne?
            You gave me such a valuable gift, how can I accept it?

            • yònguse; spend; usefulness; need
          • 纸巾 用 完 了 。
            Zhǐjīn yòng wán le.
            The tissue has run out.
          • 零用没用日用适用用光用尽用来用品用钱用语专用作用用到用水专用道废物利用能用要用先用会用用布用力节约用水用心卫生用品共用巧用利用共用一把伞使用日用品零用钱用处不用不用谢常用

            • yī zhǒngone kind of; one type of

            • chéng shúmature; ripe; to mature; to ripen; Taiwan pr. [cheng2 shou2]

            • yǔ qìtone; manner of speaking; mood

            • xià laito come down; (after verb of motion, indicates motion down and towards us, also fig.); (indicates continuation from the past towards us); to be harvested (of crops); to be over (of a period of time); to go among the masses (said of leaders)

            • ba(imperative)
            • crack; bar
          • 我们 去 踢球 吧 。
            Wǒmen qù tīqiú ba.
            Let's go play soccer.

            • shí jìactual; reality; practice
          • 朋友 担心 找 她 聊天 , 会 影响 她 的 学习 , 但 实际上 , 这 是 她 难得 的 休闲 时光 。
            Péngyǒu dānxīn zhǎo tā liáotiān, huì yǐngxiǎng tā de xuéxí, dàn shíjì shang, zhè shì tā nándé de xiūxián shíguāng.
            My friend worried that chatting with her would affect her study, but in fact, this is her rare leisure time.

            • shí jì shàngin fact; in reality; as a matter of fact; in practice
          • 他 实际上 不 懂 英语 。
            tā shí jì shàng bù dǒng Yīng yǔ。
            He knew practically no English.

            • bìng méidid not; not yet
          • 她 穿 那些 衣服 也 并 没 显得 更 漂亮 。
            tā chuān nà xiē yī fu yě bìng mò xiǎn de gèng piào liang。
            Those clothes do nothing to enhance her appearance.

            • zhī dàoto know; to become aware of; also pr. [zhi1 dao5]
          • 我 不 知道 该 怎么办 。
            wǒ bù zhī dào gāi zěn me bàn。
            I have no idea what to do.

            • shě bu deto hate to do sth; to hate to part with; to begrudge
          • 卡通 太 吸引 人 了 , 我 舍不得 关上 电视 。
            Kǎtōng tài xīyǐn rénle, wǒ shěbudé guānshàng diànshì.
            The cartoon is too attractive, I am reluctant to turn off the TV.

            • bù démust not; may not; not to be allowed; cannot
          • 家里 的 拖把 坏 了 , 阿姨 不得不 用 抹布 抹 地 。
            Jiālǐ de tuōbǎ huàile, āyí bùdé bùyòng mābù mǒ de.
            The mop at home was broken, and the aunt had to wipe the floor with a rag.

            • bù xiǎngunexpectedly

            • dàn shìbut; however
          • 闹钟 响 了 , 但是 他 没 醒 。
            Nàozhōng xiǎng le, dànshì tā méi xǐng.
            The alarm clock has rung, but he hasn't yet woken up.

            • nà shíthen; at that time; in those days
          • 那时 我们 在 同 一个 班 。
            nà shí wǒ men zài tóng yī gè bān。
            We were both in the same class.

            • kěn dìngto be sure; to be certain; sure; certain; definite; to confirm; to affirm; affirmative; to approve; approval; recognition
          • 她 肯定 超过 80 岁 了 。
            tā kěndìng chāoguò 80 suì le.
            She's surely over eighty?.

            • gào suto tell; to inform; to let know
          • 我 告诉 你 一 个 秘密 。
            Wǒ gàosu nǐ yī gè mìmì.
            I'll tell you a secret.

            • yǐ qiánbefore; formerly; previous; ago
          • 我 以前 从没 见 过 她 。
            wǒ yǐqián cóng méi jiànguo tā.
            I have never, ever seen her before.

            • cóng wèinever

            • shuō guòsaid

            • zhè yàngthis kind of; so; this way; like this; such
          • 大热天 从 室外 回家 , 不要 马上 用 冷水 冲凉 , 这样 容易 中暑 。
            Dà rètiān cóng shìwài huí jiā, bùyào mǎshàng yòng lěngshuǐ chōngliáng, zhèyàng róngyì zhòngshǔ.
            Go home from a hot day, don't wash it with cold water right away, it is easy to heat stroke.

            • huàsaying; word; speeches; talk
          • 这儿 不许 讲话 。
            zhèr bù xǔ jiǎng huà。
            (There must be) No talking in here!
          • 没话说电话号码这样的话热线电话话还没说完拨打电话打电话的话电话对话坏话闹笑话悄悄话说话听话童话童话故事笑话大话说大话说笑话不听话

            • xiàn zàinow; at present; at the moment; modern; current; nowadays
          • 现在 的 新加坡 , 和 几十年 前 的 样子 已经 完全 不 一样 了 。
            Xiànzài de xīnjiāpō, hé jǐ shí nián qián de yàngzi yǐjīng wánquán bù yīyàngle.
            Singapore is now completely different from what it was decades ago.

            • biǎo shìto express; to show; to say; to state; to indicate; to mean
          • 他 摇 了 摇头 表示 反对 。
            tā yáo le yáo tou biǎo shì fǎn duì。
            He shook his head in disapproval.

              • lìng yīanother; the other

              • yī gèone

              • jiē duànstage; section; phase; period

              • fàng yǎn wàng qùas far as the eye can see


              • fǎng fúto seem; as if; alike; similar
            • 现在 仿佛 是 秋天 似的 。
              xiàn zài fǎng fú shì qiū tiān sì de。
              It seems as if it were autumn.

              • kàn jiànto see; to catch sight of
            • 我们 看见 孩子 上 了 车 。
              wǒmen kànjiàn háizi shàng le chē .
              We saw the child get on the bus.

              • miàn qiánin front of; facing; presence
            • 在 困难 面前 我们 决不 退缩 。
              zài kùn nan miàn qián wǒ men jué bù tuì suō。
              We never flinch from difficulties.

              • měi hǎobeautiful; fine
            • 他们 在 回忆 过去 的 美好 时光 。
              Tāmen zài huíyì guòqù de měihǎo shíguāng.
              They're remembering happy times in their past.

              • qián chéngfuture (career etc) prospects

              • nà melike that; in that way; or so; so; so very much; about; in that case
            • 一场 比赛 , 是否 能 拿 到 冠军 , 也许 并 不 那么 重要 。
              Yī chǎng bǐsài, shìfǒu néng ná dào guànjūn, yěxǔ bìng bù nàme zhòngyào.
              In a game, whether you can win the championship may not be so important.

              • guān àito show concern and care for

              • péi bànto accompany
            • 她 没 想 明白 , 对于 孩子 来说 , 陪伴 比 金钱 更 重要 。
              Tā méi xiǎng míngbái, duìyú háizi lái shuō, péibàn bǐ jīnqián gèng zhòngyào.
              She did not want to understand that companionship is more important than money for children.

              • zhèngupright; correct; exactly; main
            • 他 正在 开会 。
              tā zhèng zài kāi huì。
              He is in conference.
            • 正在反正真正正常正对正方形正好正面正确正是正要正方正对着

              • kuài lèhappy; merry
            • 祝 大家 新年快乐 !
              zhù dà jiā xīn nián kuài lè!
              A Happy New Year to one and all!

              • cháo xiàngtoward; to face; to open onto; to turn towards; orientation; exposure; Qibla (Islam)

              • shēng mìnglife; living; biological
            • 心脏 是 维持 生命 必须 的 器官 。
              xīn zàng shì wéi chí shēng mìng bì xū de qì guān。
              The heart is a vital organ.

              • yuǎn fāngfar away; a distant location
            • 汽车 的 声音 消失 在 远方 。
              qì chē de shēng yīn xiāo shī zài yuǎn fāng.
              The noise of the car died away in the distance.

              • zǒu qùto walk over (to)

              • zhè tiáothis (bar, etc.)

              • yǒu shísometimes; now and then
            • 他 在 自家 房子 的 后院 种菜 , 有时 会 有 小鸟 过来 偷吃 。
              Tā zài zìjiā fángzi de hòuyuàn zhòng cài, yǒushí huì yǒu xiǎo niǎo guòlái tōu chī.
              He grows vegetables in the backyard of his house, and sometimes birds come over to steal.

              • bù pínguneven; injustice; unfairness; wrong; grievance; indignant; dissatisfied

              • píng tǎnlevel; even; smooth; flat
            • 他 走路 时 不 看路 , 在 平坦 的 路上 摔了一跤 。
              Tā zǒulù shí bù kàn lù, zài píngtǎn de lùshàng shuāile yījiāo.
              He did not look at the road while walking, and fell on the flat road.

              • bù yàodon't!; must not
            • 不要 拖延时间 !
              Bùyào tuōyán shíjiān!
              Don't stall for time.

              • hài pàto be afraid; to be scared
            • 他 害怕 得 声音 发抖 。
              tā hài pà de shēng yīn fā dǒu。
              His voice shook with fear.

              • wǒ huìI will, I can

              • give; and; attend
              • take part in; participate
            • 他 与 我 同龄 。
              Tā yǔ wǒ tónglíng.
              He and I are the same age.
            • 参与

              • tóng hángperson of the same profession; of the same trade, occupation or industry
              • tóng xíngto journey together

              • yě xǔperhaps; maybe
            • 一场 比赛 , 是否 能 拿 到 冠军 , 也许 并 不 那么 重要 。
              Yī chǎng bǐsài, shìfǒu néng ná dào guànjūn, yěxǔ bìng bù nàme zhòngyào.
              In a game, whether you can win the championship may not be so important.

              • yóu yúdue to; as a result of; thanks to; owing to; since; because
            • 由于 没有 提前 背好 台词 , 我 在 台上 卡壳 了 。
              Yóuyú méiyǒu tíqián bèi hǎo táicí, wǒ zài tái shàng qiǎkéle.
              I didn't get a good line in advance, I got stuck on the stage.

              • nián jìage
            • 老 婆婆 年纪 大 了 , 视力 不好 , 穿针 很 困难 。
              Lǎopópo niánjì dàle, shìlì bù hǎo, chuān zhēn hěn kùnnán.
              The old woman is old, her eyesight is not good, and it is very difficult to wear a needle.

              • tǐ lìphysical strength; physical power
            • 只有 按时 睡觉 , 明天 才能 有 体力 爬山 。
              Zhǐyǒu ànshí shuìjiào, míngtiān cáinéng yǒu tǐlì páshān.
              Only when you sleep on time, you can have physical strength to climb the mountain tomorrow.

              • yuán yīncause; origin; root cause; reason
            • 你 缺席 的 真正 原因 是 什么 ?
              nǐ quē xí de zhēn zhèng yuán yīn shì shén me?
              What was the real reason for your absence?

              • shāo shāosomewhat; a little; slightly

              • luò hòuto fall behind; to lag (in technology etc); backward; to retrogress
            • 他 原本 能 按 预定 进度 做 完 这件 事 的 , 但 不知 怎地 却 落后 了 。
              tā yuán běn néng àn yù dìng jìn dù zuò wán zhè jiàn shì de, dàn bù zhī zěn de què luò hòu le。
              He could have finished it on schedule, but somehow he fell behind.

              • wú fǎunable; incapable
            • 他 无法 辨别 真伪 。
              tā wúfǎ biànbié zhēn wěi .
              He can't tell the true from the false.

              • wánfinish; be used up
            • 吃 完 东西 要 刷牙 。
              Chī wán dōngxi yào shuāyá.
              You should brush your teeth after eating.
            • 完成完好完全做完没完说完打完喝完讲完吃完饭看完数完吃不完话还没说完

              • quán chéngthe whole distance; from beginning to end

              • qīng chuclear; distinct; to understand thoroughly; to be clear about
            • 我 必须 戴 眼镜 才 看 得 清楚 。
              Wǒ bìxū dài yǎnjìng cái kàn de qīngchu.
              I have to wear glasses to see things clearly.

              • míng quèclear-cut; definite; explicit; to clarify; to specify; to make definite

              • jiù suàngranted that; even if
            • 就算 你 对 , 可 你 要 论证 这 一点 却 非 易 事 。
              jiù suàn nǐ duì, kě nǐ yào lùn zhèng zhè yī diǎn què fēi yì shì。
              Grant that you are correct, you may find it hard to prove your point.

              • yī tiānone day
            • 明天 是 儿童节 , 爸爸妈妈 特意 请 了 一天 的 假 , 陪 他 去 游乐园 玩 。
              Míngtiān shì értóng jié, bàba māmā tèyì qǐngle yītiān de jiǎ, péi tā qù yóu lèyuán wán.
              Tomorrow is Children's Day. Mom and Dad specially took a day off and accompanied him to the amusement park.

              • bù jiànnot to see; not to meet; to have disappeared; to be missing
            • 我 的 钥匙 不见 了 。
              Wǒde yàoshi bù jiàn le.
              My keys have disappeared.

              • lù shangon the road; on a journey; road surface

              • shēn yǐngsilhouette; figure
            • 一个 模糊 的 身影 从 黑暗 中 闪过 。
              yī gè mó hu de shēn yǐng zòng hēi àn zhòng shǎn guò。
              A shadowy figure went past in the darkness.

              • yǒng yuǎnforever; eternal
            • 我 永远 爱 我 的 父母 。
              Wǒ yǒngyuǎn ài wǒde fùmǔ.
              I will forever love my parents.

              • gū dānlone; lonely; loneliness
            • 他 觉得 很 孤单 。
              Tā juédé hěn gūdān.
              He feels very lonely.

              • zhù fúblessings; to wish sb well
            • 大家 纷纷 向 新娘 新郎 祝福 。
              dà jiā fēn fēn xiàng xīn niáng xīn láng zhù fú.
              Good wishes showered (down) on the bride and bridegroom.