Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 6B ‣ 第十二课 再见,亲爱的伙伴

    • zhù hèto congratulate; congratulations
  • 祝贺 你 毕业 了 !
    Zhùhè nǐ bìyè le!
    Congratulations on your graduation!

    • jí jiāngon the eve of; to be about to; to be on the verge of
  • 一本 新 书 即将 出版 。
    yī běn xīn shū jí jiāng chū bǎn。
    A new book is about to be brought out.

    • rén shēnglife (one's time on earth)
  • 通过 阅读 , 我们 能 体会 不同 的 人生 。
    Tōngguò yuèdú, wǒmen néng tǐhuì bùtóng de rénshēng.
    Through reading, we can experience different life.

    • jiǎng zhuàngcertificate (of prize, degree, diploma etc)

    • shī shēngteachers and students

    • hé zhàoto pose for a photo

    • xiàng piànimage; photograph
  • 试用 照相机 斜 着 照 , 照 出来 的 相片 更 有意思 。
    shì yòng zhào xiàng jī xié著 zhào, zhào chū lai de xiàng piàn gèng yǒu yì si.
    Try angling the camera for a more interesting picture.

    • jì niàn cèautograph album; commemorative album

    • jīng juéto realize suddenly; to wake up with a start

    • bì yègraduation; to graduate; to finish school
  • 我们 毕业 了 !
    Wǒmen bìyè le!
    We've graduated!

    • tiān lán sèazure

      • hēi fàfine black hair

      • jí qièeager; impatient

      • bì yè shēnggraduate

      • shào niányoungster; juvenile
    • 少年 们 很 活泼 。
      Shàoniánmen hěn huópo.
      The young boys are very spirited.

      • mǎn zúto satisfy; to meet (the needs of); satisfied; content
    • 只要 有 饭 吃 他 就 很 满足 了 。
      Zhǐ yào yǒu fàn chī, tā jiù hěn mǎnzú le. (also manyi)
      He only needs something to eat, he is very satisfied?.

      • yǎn jiǎoouter or inner corner of the eye; canthus

      • cóng xiǎofrom childhood; as a child
    • 她 从小 养成 了 独立思考 的 能力 , 没想到 现在 帮 了 她 大 忙 。
      Tā cóngxiǎo yǎng chéngle dúlì sīkǎo de nénglì, méi xiǎngdào xiànzài bāngle tā dàmáng.
      She grew up to be independent thinking, and did not expect to help her a lot now.

      • měi wǎnEvery night

      • rù shuìto fall asleep

      • yōng bàoto embrace; to hug
    • 她 紧紧 拥抱 着 她 的 母亲 。
      tā jǐn jǐn yōng bào著 tā de mǔ qīn。
      She gave her mother an affectionate hug.

      • ān ránsafely; peacefully; at a rest

      • lè yìto be willing to do sth; to be ready to do sth; to be happy to do sth; content; satisfied

      • rú cǐin this way; so
    • 我 希望 如此 。
      wǒ xīwàng rúcǐ .
      I hope so.

      • xiǎng yǒuto enjoy (rights, privileges etc)

      • quán lìpower; right; privilege

      • míng yuèbright moon; refers to 夜明珠, a legendary pearl that can glow in the dark
    • 一轮 明月 当空 照耀 着 。
      yī lún míng yuè dàng kòng zhào yào zhuó。
      Overhead the moon was shining.

      • shú shuìasleep; sleeping soundly

      • xià chēto get off or out of (a bus, train, car etc)

      • gǎn juéto feel; to become aware of; feeling; sense; perception
    • 我 今天 感觉 好多 了 。
      wǒ jīntiān gǎnjué hǎo duō le .
      I feel much better today.

      • gǎn jué dàoto feel; to sense; to detect; to perceive; to become aware

      • fù dānburden; to bear a burden
    • 比赛 完毕 后 , 没有 了 负担 , 他 的 脚步 看起来 很 轻快 。
      Bǐsài wánbì hòu, méiyǒule fùdān, tā de jiǎobù kàn qǐlái hěn qīngkuài.
      After the game was over, there was no burden, and his footsteps looked very brisk.

      • chéng shúmature; ripe; to mature; to ripen; Taiwan pr. [cheng2 shou2]

      • yǔ qìtone; manner of speaking; mood

      • kěn dìngto be sure; to be certain; sure; certain; definite; to confirm; to affirm; affirmative; to approve; approval; recognition
    • 她 肯定 超过 80 岁 了 。
      tā kěndìng chāoguò 80 suì le.
      She's surely over eighty?.

      • cóng wèinever

      • jiē duànstage; section; phase; period

      • qián chéngfuture (career etc) prospects

      • guān àito show concern and care for

      • cháo xiàngtoward; to face; to open onto; to turn towards; orientation; exposure; Qibla (Islam)

      • yuǎn fāngfar away; a distant location
    • 汽车 的 声音 消失 在 远方 。
      qì chē de shēng yīn xiāo shī zài yuǎn fāng.
      The noise of the car died away in the distance.

      • tóng hángperson of the same profession; of the same trade, occupation or industry
      • tóng xíngto journey together

      • tǐ lìphysical strength; physical power
    • 只有 按时 睡觉 , 明天 才能 有 体力 爬山 。
      Zhǐyǒu ànshí shuìjiào, míngtiān cáinéng yǒu tǐlì páshān.
      Only when you sleep on time, you can have physical strength to climb the mountain tomorrow.

      • shāo shāosomewhat; a little; slightly

      • luò hòuto fall behind; to lag (in technology etc); backward; to retrogress
    • 他 原本 能 按 预定 进度 做 完 这件 事 的 , 但 不知 怎地 却 落后 了 。
      tā yuán běn néng àn yù dìng jìn dù zuò wán zhè jiàn shì de, dàn bù zhī zěn de què luò hòu le。
      He could have finished it on schedule, but somehow he fell behind.

      • quán chéngthe whole distance; from beginning to end

      • míng quèclear-cut; definite; explicit; to clarify; to specify; to make definite

      • jiù suàngranted that; even if
    • 就算 你 对 , 可 你 要 论证 这 一点 却 非 易 事 。
      jiù suàn nǐ duì, kě nǐ yào lùn zhèng zhè yī diǎn què fēi yì shì。
      Grant that you are correct, you may find it hard to prove your point.

      • gū dānlone; lonely; loneliness
    • 他 觉得 很 孤单 。
      Tā juédé hěn gūdān.
      He feels very lonely.